Young Wizard part 49

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Oliver was drawn through the underground to the throne room. He floated down through the liquid ceiling onto the floor. The evil Oliver sat in the throne chair with one of his feet on the glass torture globe that contained Gwen.

"Is this what you're looking for?" the evil Oliver said as he kicked it away.

Oliver ran over to catch the globe. He could see the tips of Gwens fairy wings were burnt. A small tear dripped for the corner of Oliver's eye as he asked her, "are you alright."

"Yes, but you must be careful, because this monster has a wand that will permanently erase your memory," she said.

"I know," Oliver said as he held out his hand and wished for his light staff to appear.

It materialized in his hand and shot out the ten orbs of light, lighting up the throne room. Oliver used the strap on the light staff and slung it on his back. The evil Oliver did not approach him, but kept a safe distance. Oliver sat the globe safely down and out of the way. They both examined each other, waiting on the other to make the first move.

"So now it's your turn to try to kill me," Oliver said.

"I just can't believe that my best assassins failed me," the evil Oliver said.

The light orb spun around on the ceiling just above the evil Oliver

and a red bolt of lightning shot out the tip of his finger exploding on the ceiling. He had missed the fast orb and it emitted a sound that sounded like ha ha.

"Why are you doing this?" Oliver asked.

"Because I know of the prophecy about the great wizard. The only problem is that it's you," the evil Oliver shouted as he released a red lightning bolt at Oliver.

Oliver button and magical science watch sheilds protected him.

"So your going to try and take my place?" Oliver said.

"Yes the same way that Gorgal and Demonya possessed your parents, but this time I'll be in your mindless shell," the evil Oliver said.

Oliver felt the marble floor grab his feet. He was unable to move and when he looked up the evil Oliver had his light staff, red button and his watch on his wrist.

"It's not enough that you hurt my girlfriend, but now you steal my things?" Oliver asked.

The evil Oliver started to laugh saying, "my girlfriend, my things."

Oliver struggled to free himself, but with no luck. The evil Oliver stood closer to Oliver, now that he couldn't move.

The evil Oliver shout, "I've been waiting for the moment forever."

Oliver bravely stood up straight as the evil Oliver pulled out the wand of forgetfulness.  Gwen had been watching and crying, but now she covered her wet eyes. She was to sad to look at her love being erased.

Oliver looked around the throne room and smiled. The evil Oliver stood six feet away from Oliver. He pointed the wand and shot the mist of forgetfulness straight at Oliver. The gray mist billowed toward him.

Oliver shout out a magical incantation, a huge industrial fan appeared behind him and blew the mist of forgetfulness on to the evil Oliver. He dropped the wand, and it landed on the marble floor.

Oliver untied his shoes and stepped out onto the marble floor barefooted. He ran over to Gwen and vanished the torture globe. He gently held her in his hand, as he waved his other blue glowing hand over her. Her burnt wing were now healed. She then turned human. Oliver could see the tears on her pretty face.

Gwen cried as she hugged and kissed Oliver.

"I though I lost you forever," she cried.

"You would have if the evil Oliver knew that the light orbs brought our magic into the underground," Oliver said.

We walked over to the evil Oliver. He stood motionless, with a blank expression on his face. Landor and Celesta appeared in the throne room.

Young Wizard  (the book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora