Young Wizard part 22

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With a snap of Gorgals fingers three sexy female demons appeared. Angelee is the bare footed demon with the face of an angel. Her long blonde hair drapes down past her long pointed tail. Satinlee is the cutest with her short brown hair and perky attitude. Fondlee is the strongest of the three and would rather wrestle than kiss. They carried two platters of food and one wash tray.

Three pedestals magically appeared under each tray. The three went right to work feeding this monster. Gorgal leaned his head back and unhinged his lower jaw so he could swallow live food much easier. Angelee picked up a medium sized live octopus and brought it toward Gorgals open mouth. The poor creature latched on to Gorgals black horns to keep from being swallowed. Angelee poked the octopus with a hot magical poker. It released it's grip and slid down into Gorgals hungry stomach.

"I so enjoy live food before a good meal because it mixes things up," he said.

"How is my master feeling today?" Satinlee asked. 

 Angelee fed Gorgal some toasted crunchy insects.

"I feel a little out of sorts like I forgot something," Gorgal answered.

Gorgal used the stiff and pointed part of the insects leg to pick his teeth with as he tried to remember what he had forgot.

"Don't worry my master you have defeated everyone that you have ever fought," Fondlee said.

Fondlee lightly touched one of Gargals large light blue scars. It sent chills through him as he shivered. She massaged him with a sweet scented oil. Angelee fed him until he belched and blew her hair back.

A sick look appeared on his face as he stood up and vomited all over the black marble floor. Satinlee handed him a wet towel. The octopus slid over to the corner. Gorgal angerly held out his hand and the octopus magically materialized in his gripped fist. The defiant octopus wrapped it's tentacles around Gorgals hand, but Gorgal squeezed tighter.

"You know that you didn't have a chance," Gorgal said.

He squeezed the life out of the poor creature. It developed a yellow glow around it's body. Gorgal inhaled the yellow mist and threw the lifeless octopus to the floor.

"Either way you're mine," Gorgal laughed his evil laugh.

The evil red spheres gave Gorgal his position as leader of the Underworld because of his pure evilness.

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