Young Wizard part 47

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Oliver and Celesta heard a loud commotion out side of his bedroom.

Thousands of good magical creatures were materializing inside of Landors castle walls. Landor came into Oliver's study.

"Have you seen what's happening?" Landor asked Celesta.

"Yes," she answered.

"Why is everyone coming here?" Oliver asked.

"Because they are afraid of the wand of forgetfulness," Landor said.

"How did everyone find out so fast?" Celesta asked.

"It's my fault for making the magical science watches, because they can spread the news as fast as they can make a call," Oliver said.

"No Oliver, you have given every good magical creature an early warning system," Landor said.

"What are we going to do?" Celesta asked.

"Go and calm them down while Oliver invents some for them," Landor answered.

"Yeah I can do that," Oliver said.

Landor waved his hand and they appeared at the top of the step in front of the greatroom. All gathered around the three.

Landor spoke as he raised his hands, "Can I have quiet please! All of you know that the evil Oliver has a wand that shoots out a mist of forgetfulness. He is not going to attack everyone."

"I can create a personal red button shield for anyone that wants one. If you do raise your hand," Oliver said.

Everyone raised their hand.

Oliver laughed and asked Landor, "how many will we need?"

"Ten, ten thousand ought to do it," Landor replied.

Oliver thought and wished for the buttons. Suddenly bags of red shield buttons appeared all around the courtyard.  They were passed out until they were on every creature. Oliver put one on his shirt.

"How do we know that they'll work like they suppose to?" Celesta asked.

"Good point," Landor said.

"Test it out on me," Oliver suggested.

The crowd watcher as Landor and Celesta stepped away from Oliver.

Celesta raised her blue glowing hand at Oliver. He braced himself as a gray fog spewed from her fingertips. Oliver was completely protected from the torrent winds and fog. The shield was a clear bubble that quickly disappeared as soon as Celesta stopped her attack. Not even a hair was out of place on Oliver's head.

Soon the courtyard was empty and back to normal.

Down in the underground the evil Oliver sat back in Gorgals throne chair. Gwen, slightly exhausted, continued to fly, to keep from touching the shocking sides of the glass torture globe.

The evil Oliver chuckled at Oliver attempt to counteract the mist of forgetfulness, as he viewed him from his crystal ball. Gwen saw what the evil Oliver saw.

"You better run now to save yourself from my boyfriend, " Gwen shouted.

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