Young Wizard part 21

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In the underworld, Gorgal sat on his large golden throne. The giant throne room was in the shape of a pentagram. Behind his throne were long black drapes that hid his bedroom. To the right is his huge collection of crystal ball that's tuned to every evil creature he has.

Today Gorgal looked over his evil subjects. He picked out the giant black spider's crystal hoping to see him eat one of the fairies, but instead and found that the giant black spider missing.

"Where have you gone my eight legged buddy?" Gorgal cried and then holler, "Demonya!"

She couldn't but help hear him holler because her bedroom was just down the corridor from the throne room. Demonya thought, what do you want you bellowing baffoon. Demonya materialized in front of Gorgal and knelled.

"What can I do for you my master?" she asked.

"Find out where my giant black spider went," he said.

"Your wish is my command oh great one," Demonya said and vanished.

Gorgal continued his inspection of the throne room. Up on the next wall, still on the right side floated a huge stainless steel plate. Embed in this plate are hundreds of live heads with necks. The heads are covered in red amber to keep them silent and saying spells to free themselves. Each head and neck is what's left after they battled Gorgal. He has kept their twenty percent just in case he wanted to fight them again.

On the left hand side is Gorgals weapon wall. There are all types of guns and knifes that are on display. Up there was even a rocket launcher. On the floor sits a large cabinet with glass doors that stays lock because of the many different types of poisons and potions. There are many different types of books too. One small black book has a carving of a shrunken head on it. If you read the incantations from it you can shrink your enemy's head. 

Further on to the next wall is the wall of torture. There is only one service cart and one long drain that runs the lenght of the wall. On the cart are several black fuzzy hand and feet shackles. Then there are several large hypodermic needles filled with different colored solutions, ans a pile of towel with a tray of sharp surgical knives.

Back in Gorgals bedroom is several hundred treasure chest over flowing with gold coins and precious gems. Golden kings crowns lay scattered as litter on the floor. His huge bed is covered with black satin sheets. After a full day of being evil this is where he rest.

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