Young Wizard part 45

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"If I my make a suggestion," Zan said.

"Yes go ahead," the evil Oliver said.

"Gwen can fly can't she?" Zan asked.

"Yes go on,"

"You could kidnap her and place her in a glass lightning globe and as long as she doesn't touch the sides she won't be shocked," Zan said.

"My ain't you evil?" the evil Oliver said with a smile.

"Yes, and it would make Oliver respond much quicker," Zan said.

"Indeed it would. So we are going to need the forgetting wand soon," the evil Oliver said.

"It's just about ready," Zan said.

He put on a gas mask to make sure he didn't breathe in any of the fumes. Zan selected one of the straighter wands then placed it in an empty cauldron. On top of that he poured a jar of billowy mist. Next, he took one ladle of liguid out of each of the three other cauldrons.

Slowly, Zan mixed all the magical ingredients together then took off the gas mask in order to say a powerful incantation in the black cauldron to join the magical forces to the wand. He stepped back as a loud explosion blew up the cauldron.

There on the floor layed the most powerful wand ever created. The evil Oliver picked it up and waved it at the brick wall. Out of the end shot a billowing gray mist, and within seconds the mist cleared out.

"This is great," the evil Oliver said.

"We need to perform a test on a living subject," Zan suggested.

"You know you are perfectly right. Where can we get a test subject, so quickly," the evil Oliver asked as Zan started to clean up his laboratory.

The evil Oliver pointed the wand of forgettfulness at Zan and said," I need a test subject now."

A billowing gray mist flew out covering Zan completely and in a second it was gone.

"Poor Zan didn't know what hit him. This is perfect Oliver won't stand a chance against this wand," the evil Oliver said with a laugh.

Zan stood motionless, not knowing his name or what to do next. The gas mask slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor. The evil Oliver thought how ironic that the creator of the wand of forgetfulness can't even remember his name.

The evil Oliver vanished from the laboratory.

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