Young Wizard part 7

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Over to the left and past the grassy courtyard are the orchards and vegetable gardens. Oliver seen several birds sitting in the trees.

"Won't the birds bother your fruit trees?" Oliver asked.

"No. We have made a deal with them, they can eat all the bugs they want, and we can eat all the fruits and vegetables," Landor replied with a smile on his face.

Oliver noticed that there were picnic tables appearing on the grassy courtyard.

'What's happening?" Oliver asked.

"That's Alura setting up the courtyard for the party. Would you like to see our dungeon?" Landor asked.

"You have a dungeon?," Oliver asked.


They walked to the building that made up the back wall of the castle. Landor opened the door to the great room. Oliver looked up at the ceiling.

"Wow look at all the beautiful colored crystals. It looks like they are making some type of pattern," Oliver said.

"They change when the sunlight hit them at different angles," Landor said.

They went to the back wall. Landor raise his blue glowing hand at the wall and a door appeared. He opened it and they walked down the torchlit spiral stairway. Oliver could hardly wait. He was going to see some monsters from the evil domain. The stairway ended in a large empty room.

"Where are the evil monsters in cages?" Oliver asked.

"We don't do that anymore. Instead we keep them in their own dream bubble of reality," Landor answered.

Landor waved his hand and all the dungeons stonewalls turned into the metal faces of large drawers with handles. He slid one open for Oliver to see. There were sixty-four smoky black orbs sitting in a soft foam indents, so to hold them in place.

"Look closer and you can see who's inside," Landor said.

Oliver brought his face closer to the dream bubble. He examined it closely and under the surface was a magical monster fast asleep.

"Why are they asleep?" Oliver asked.

"Because no one can perform magic in their sleep," Landor said.

"That's very clever. How does it work?" Oliver asked.

"The dream bubbles of reality are a very strong collection of spells. One spell erases the occupants memory for the last ten days, then the second spell fool them into thinking they are still awake living their lives. The third spell is for the bubble then the fourth spell keep them asleep," Landor explained.

"That's a much better than the cages," Oliver said.

"We think so too. Are you ready to see your room?" Landor asked.

"My room," Oliver questioned.

"Yes there has been a room prepared for you, especially since no one in your family knows or believes in magic. Want to see it?" Landor asked.

"Sure," Oliver replied.

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