96 | Calum

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I never thought of myself as a romantic, not until I had met Elizabeth. Before I'd fallen for her, I'd been more of a low-key boyfriend with my past girls, but then Liz came into my life, and I realized I hadn't actually ever been in love with anyone else apart from her.

It started out with small gestures; dedicating a song to her during a show in my own head, cooking for her (trying to, at least) whenever I had time off, drawing baths for the two of us, anything I could think of that would make her smile.

As our relationship progressed, I found himself writing every song with her in mind, talking about the curve of her smile or the way just thinking about her made my heart beat double speed. On the rare occasion I did speak up in an interview, I'd find every opportunity to weave her name into the conversation, no matter what the subject.

"This song is my girlfriend's favorite."

"I actually wrote this one about my relationship."

"She'd love this game, she's into these sort of things."

"I spent my time off with my girlfriend, man, I miss her already."

I was truly obsessed with her, a clingy mess of passion and desire. I couldn't keep my hands off her when she was nearby, my fingers were always dancing circles on her skin as the two of us lay quietly on the sofa watching something on the television.

At night, I'd pepper kisses along her neck, to her , and down her arm as she read her book in bed next to me. I loved the way her reading glasses were too big for her beautiful face and she'd spend half her time pushing the frames back up her nose. I loved the way she would pretend to be annoyed at me for distracting her from her novel, but I knew she wouldn't have it any other way. After a while, she'd give up and put the book back on her nightstand, setting the glasses on top, and roll over to face me.

"What do you want?" she'd ask me playfully, her nose almost touching mine.

"You," I'd whisper softly before kissing her.

My dreams were often about her or the band, but with the distance, we had between us she was visiting my dreams more frequently. Most of the times they were happy dreams, us celebrating Christmas together, or us starting a family, or us on tour together again.

I loved those dreams.

But ever since her ex-boyfriend had attacked her, the beautiful dreams had turned into my worst nightmares. Liz being kidnapped, Liz being murdered, Liz being in a coma.

The first time I had one of 'em, I had to call Liz. I just needed to make sure she was okay. I could've just checked the camera's in and around my house, but that was invading her privacy and I didn't want to do that, and I rather just hear her voice. She was okay.

Maybe Liz was right, maybe I needed to see a psychologist as well, but I didn't want to. It wasn't that bad and it wasn't like I got them every night, just once in a while, nothing bad. Everyone has bad dreams.

We were still in Europe for a few more weeks and we just finished up a show in Cologne and we're all having some free time on the tour bus as we drove to Berlin.

Michael was sitting in the back of the bus with Crystal, Luke was hanging out in his bunk, Ashton and Sierra were playing a card game in the lounge area of the bus and I was sitting with them with my laptop on my lap.

I had spent the last thirty minutes putting all the photos and videos I had of Liz and me on my laptop and was now spending my free time looking through all the pictures we made together.

Most of them were pictures I took of her. When we were in France and we were nothing but friends before I almost messed it up when I kissed her, but it turned out all good. Pictures I took at all the dinners we went to, pictures of her when she wasn't even looking at the camera. Liz also had sent me all of the pictures she made of us, cute couple pictures that used to make me want to throw up a year ago, but stole my heart.

Liz was good at secretly taking pictures of me when I was asleep and turning them into her lock screen, so I did the same thing as she and I thought it was the most adorable thing ever.

Luke walked back into the room, giving Sierra a smile as he sat down next to me. "What ya doin', pretty boy?" he said and looked at the laptop screen, staring at a picture of Liz and me all cuddled up in a hotel room. Luke chuckled. "This is so disgustingly cute, I might puke. You are so whipped!" he said and grabbed my laptop, turning it around to show it to Ashton and Sierra.

"Ah - how cute. Calum is like this little-lost puppy when it comes to Elizabeth," he said, sticking out his tongue.

If that wasn't enough, Michael and Crystal decided to join us as well and I could feel my face burning up as Luke clicked through a few pictures before handing me the laptop back. "I hate you," I said, closing my laptop so no one could harass me with it anymore.

"We're kidding, Cal, it's cute. I love how you're so happy with her." Luke said, smiling at me. "Yeah - thanks," I said, scratching the back of my head, feeling incredibly awkward for being exposed like that. It didn't feel really masculine to stare at your girlfriend's pictures all day.

"And when you bring our dead songs to life for her in the bathroom. Oh Liz, I love you so much, here, I'll sing beside you for you!" Ashton joked.

"I think it's lovely, it shows that you really miss her." Crystal said, probably feeling a bit bad for me since the boys liked to make fun of me. "Yeah, I do," I said, checking the time to see if she was awake yet. She probably wasn't.

"Calum and Elizabeth sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g." Michael started to sing. "Please don't make me punch you in the face," I grumbled.


ANOTHER short one but cuTe

lost and found // calum hoodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora