68 | Elizabeth

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Three months.

Three fucking months.

That's how long it took for most people to finally stop talking about Calum being an abuser. Thankfully it didn't harm the band as much as management thought it would, thanks to the fact that this was the biggest band that no one's ever heard of, so the people that knew 5 Seconds of Summer believed that Calum never hurt me and other people just stopped caring.

I just hoped this story would never resurface every other celebrity gossip story does every two or three weeks. It had hurt Calum enough that people thought he had hurt his baby girl.

It was the beginning of April and I haven't seen Calum since we fixed our relationship after new years. I mean, we did skype and facetime and call every day, but our plans for Valentine's day didn't go through, sadly.

He was too busy with planning his new tour, 5SOS4, that would start in two weeks.

They wanted to do a bigger tour than the Youngblood tour, visit places they didn't go last year, like Asia and some other countries in Europe as well.

And that's why I was here, in my dorm room, with two giant suitcases, packing my shit. I was coming on tour with them.

Calum asked me to come along with him, but he wasn't pushing me. It was a choice I had to make myself. Did I want to go on tour with one of my favorite bands for six months? They weren't constantly touring in those six months, they did some bigger breaks in between the shows so the boys had also time to write the new album, but six months away from home was a long, long time.

Going on tour with them meant I had to take a gap year and leave everything behind. Well, everything wasn't much. Amy and I weren't on speaking terms, I didn't have other close friends, my parents would support me with whatever choice I would make and my brothers didn't care.

I only saw the pro's, going on tour with 5sos, being close to Calum all day, becoming friends with the support acts and the crew, seeing the world like Calum promised me I would someday.

So, after totally not thinking everything through, I said yes.

Calum was excited and so was I, but I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Six months of being around Calum was amazing, but I always read about couples breaking up after they find out what it's like to be around each other nonstop. I just hoped the pressure of the tour wouldn't break us.

The tour would start in LA, so I was flying out there in a few days. It was a weird feeling because I was going to leave Boston for such a long time. When I left for France or went to LA for Christmas I knew I would be back within two weeks, but now? I wasn't even sure if I was coming back.

Also, I would be practically homeless in a few days, which wasn't that cool either, but hey, I get to see the world.

Sierra wasn't coming to the US part of the tour, but Crystal was, so I'd have at least one familiar face there when the boys were busy with the interviews, soundchecks, and shows.

It's funny that a year ago, I was a fan. A die-hard fan who was switching lanes every two weeks, saving money for merch and the concert ticket and now, now I was dating Calum Hood and I was friends with the other boys.

It's weird, life.

In the past months I found out that there were a lot of 5SOS stans at my University, but only a few of them came up to talk to me and take a selfie with me or talked to me about Calum. Most of them took a sneaky picture of me when I was studying in the library or ordering food at KFC, just to post it on twitter a few minutes later. I still hated the attention. At least they didn't ask for tickets or Cal's phone number or anything.

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