06 | Elizabeth

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I was pacing up and down the street the next day. I was going to meet Calum freaking Hood in less than 25 minutes! Of course, I was way too early, but I didn't mind. It gave me time to prepare for something I've dreamed about ever since I was 16.

Suddenly I realized something, Calum doesn't even know what I look like. My avatar on Twitter is a picture of him. I walk back to the thinking cup and stared inside. It was a lovely, quiet coffee shop and there were not too many people inside. An elderly couple, a boy with a laptop and a few middle-aged women. It wouldn't be too hard for him to find out who I was. I'd be the one screaming and fainting in front of him.

Should I wait inside? No, I'm waiting right here.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and went on twitter.

elizabeth @lizzershood


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I was busy answering all the tweets the 5SOSfam were sending me. Everyone was freaking out, and so was I.

Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and almost dropped my phone. It was Calum. He was even taller than I thought he was. The Aussie boy, or man, looked at me and smiled. "You must be Elizabeth"

My hands went into fists from excitement and I almost crushed his ring again. I nodded, not really sure what to say or do. "Nice to meet ya, I'm Calum," he said and held out his hand.

I shook his hand. "Elizabeth, Nice to uh- meet you as well."

Opening my other hand, I showed him his ring. "It's a bit crushed. I mean, I tried to get it back to its original state but I didn't have the right tools.." I said a bit bummed, but Calum shook his head and took the ring.

"It's okay, I'm just really happy that such an honest fan found it. You could've just sold it on eBay for a few thousand." he grinned, looking at me.

I shrugged. "Felt like the normal thing to do." I found it very easy to talk to Calum, maybe its because I've known him for such a long time, even though he just met me. "So, you do want a cup of coffee?" he said, nodding at the thinking cup. "Oh.. No, it's okay," I said. I know Calum was really busy with the tour and he probably didn't want to spend the little free time he has with some fan. "Nah, you returned my ring. The least I can do is buy you a coffee. Not a big deal."

Of course, I gave in. It's not every day you get the chance to drink coffee with Calum Thomas Hood. He held the door open for me and I smiled at him. "Cappuccino?" he asked and I nodded. "Aight, take a seat," he said and so I did.

While he was ordering our coffee, I had some time to catch my breath. Calum was wearing his famous watermelon t-shirt with his usual pair of black skinny jeans. He looked so damn fine. I couldn't believe I was actually sitting here, in a coffee shop, with Calum.

A man took a seat next to us, he was huge and looked like someone who used to be a bodybuilder. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Calum quickly returned with our coffee. "There you go! Ah, I see you've met Jeff." He said, obviously meaning the freaking giant sitting next to our table."Don't worry about Jeff, he's just here to make sure I don't get kidnapped on the way home. Management doesn't like me roaming around the streets alone these days." he explained.

He had a bodyguard. Jesus. I nodded.

Say something, you idiot.

"Thanks for the coffee," I said, internally punching myself.

"As I said, not a big deal." He said, smiling again. His smile was so pretty. It felt so surreal that I was sitting here with him. "Why is the ring so important, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked before the silence was getting awkward.

He grabbed the ring from his pocket and fiddled with it in his hands. "My dad gave me this ring. And he got it from his dad. Basically, every man in our generation gets the ring and has to pass it on to their oldest son. My dad would kill me if I lost it. It was always a little too big for my hands, but I forgot to take it off during the concert." Calum explained.

"Thank god you saw my tweet then," I said and smiled at him. "It was actually Michael who saw it. He is the only one who really active on twitter lately. He sent me the link and that's how I found you."

Michael saw my tweet? Holy shit.

"But tell me something about yourself, I only know your first name and your twitter user, which, I have to say, is creative as hell," Calum said. I giggled, lizzershood was anything but creative. Just some nickname Amy gave me combined with the last name of my idol, who was sitting right in front of me at this moment.

"Uhh... Well, I'm Elizabeth but most people call me Liz. I'm 20 years old, born and raised in Boston and I'm studying at Boston University as well. I got two big brothers who live in California and Boston. I don't really have any hobbies. For a while, I tried to play guitar because of 5SOS, but I sucked so I quit." Calum laughed and it sounded so beautiful, man, this is heaven.

"The only hobby I have is photography, but I'm not that good but I always love to see Andys work. I don't really have many friends around here, most of em left to different states for college. Amy and I are the only ones who went to BU."

Calum kept listening to everything I told him, he didn't have to, but he did. He was listening to a fan rambling about her life. "Amy?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, Amy is my partner in crime, we've been best friends ever since we started high school together. We went to the concert together." I explained to him.

I slowly drank my coffee and talked to Calum about the tour. It was so easy to talk to him and all the nerves I had before coming here had disappeared.

After about an hour of talking, Jeff told him they had to head back soon. Calum nodded. "I had fun," Calum said and smiled at me. "Me too. Thank you for the coffee and chatting with me. It means a lot to me." I said to him. I didn't want to leave him, but I've spent more time with him than the average fan, and I had to cherish that. "Thank you for returning my ring," he said as we walked outside.

"Uh... Can I - Can I get a picture maybe? For my Instagram?" I bit my lip, I wanted proof of our meeting and a picture to remember this moment. Calum nodded excitedly. "Yeah! Totally! Just give your phone to Jeff, he's no Andy but he can take some good ones." he said and I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, ignored a thousand notifications from Twitter and Amy and opened my camera before handing it to Jeff.

We posed for some pictures and he gave me a big hug at the end. Jeff handed back my phone and I scrolled through the pictures. "Thanks! Now my Instagram notifications can explode as well." I said and Calum grinned before grabbing his own phone. "What's your Insta? I think you deserve a follow after everything you've done for me."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. "Uh, it's DamntElizabeth. Like, Damn it but without the I." I said as he started typing and shortly after I got a notification.

Calum Hood is now following you

"Can't wait to see some of the pictures." He said and I smiled once again. "Calum?" Jeff spoke. "Right, the interview. Well, its been a pleasure, Elizabeth. Thank you for saving me, I think my family would cut my balls off if I told them I lost my ring." he said before hugging me for the last time. I tried to hold on a little while longer, but he pulled away.

"No problem. Have fun on the rest of the tour." I said and he smiled at me for the last time, before walking away with Jeff, leaving me behind.

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