17 | Elizabeth

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I was leaving for Paris in four days and Amy and I haven't talked yet. We've had our share of fights during our friendship, but this had to be our worst. I was missing her around me and I wasn't sure how to fix this.

I tried calling her, but she obviously didn't answer, and she blocked me on WhatsApp and even blocked me on her twitter.

Of course, I checked her twitter on one of my saved accounts and saw her ranting about how her best friend betrayed her and disappointed her. She never mentioned my name or Calum's though.

How am I going to fix this before I go to France?

Calum had been there comforting me, telling me that Amy will come around, but I wasn't sure about it anymore.

But it was a selfish choice I made, and I fucked up one of my friendships for another one. I was actually considering calling Calum off and going with Amy or just staying home during the break. I knew that if I went to Paris without fixing this I'd just feel guilty the entire trip.

It was Saturday and I knew Amy was coming home from her dance practice in a few minutes, so I got up and left my dorm and started walking towards her dorm house. If she wasn't going to talk to me I was going to talk to her.

I was trying to practice a speech or anything that would help me, but my mind was blank.

After the short walk across campus, I sat down on the stairs in front of her dorm and waited for her to show up.

"What do you want?" she asked, her voice annoyed by the sight of me. "Shouldn't you be off face timing Calum?" she sneered.

"I'm not here to fight, I'm here to talk," I said, standing up and facing her. "I'm not." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, just listen then," I said.

"I know to choose Calum over you was a selfish choice I made for myself. I feel bad for doing this, but you can't hold it against me forever. I bet if you were in this situation you would do the same thing. You know how much Calum means to me and in the span of two months he isn't just my idol anymore, he's also my friend. Just as we are. I care about him and I just really want to meet him again. Yes, I shouldn't have said yes without talking to you, and I know how excited you were for our trip but... I just.." I started, but Amy cut me off.

"But you still choose Calum over me, I get it, Liz. And yeah, I would do the same thing if I was in this situation but I would tell Calum about my plans with you, and I would discuss this with you first before even agreeing to him, or maybe plan another weekend. You didn't even ask me if we could reschedule, you just told me you couldn't come anymore. This is a selfish choice you made and you really, really hurt me. I'm not going to just forgive you 'cus you showed up at my door after a few days." She tells me.

I fucked up so bad.

"What do you want me to do then?" I asked her, my lip quivering.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, maybe it's good to see other people. I mean, ever since we started uni together we've been inseparable. Maybe some time apart will do us good." Amy said.

"Sorry, that sounds like we're having a bad breakup." She said, grinning, making me smile a little.

Amy joking was a good sign. I relaxed a little. "I'm sorry Amy," I said again and she nodded. "I know. Look, let's just meet up after you get back from Paris. It'll give us both some time." She said and I agreed.

"Liz?" she said before I could say my goodbyes. "Mhh?"

"I hope you have fun there. I mean it, take lots of pics and just... I don't know. Enjoy your time there." She said.

"Thanks, Amy, I'll get some autographs for you."

She sighed and nodded. "Yeah, you do that." She said before saying goodbye and disappeared into her room, leaving me standing there by myself.

That went better than expected. She didn't look mad anymore, just disappointed.

I quickly sent a text to Calum before heading back to my own dorm and continue packing for France, with a little more ease than before.

lost and found // calum hoodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ