• 103: Welcome Home •

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I spent the day on Carson's house, avoiding lunch, which proved to be much easier than I had thought. Harper ordered a pizza and told us to help ourselves before disappearing somewhere in the house. Carson grabbed his slices and brought it to the couch. I declined his offer and turned my attention to The Little Mermaid, so he let it drop.

As Ariel and Prince Eric's wedding began, my phone began to buzz furiously. I looked down to see Mia's name on the screen and I sighed as I picked it up quickly.


"Melody, where are you? Our parents are freaking out."

"They are not our parents. They're your mother and my father," I snapped. There was a stunned moment of silence from both of us.

"Um... okay? Just get yourself home before my mom tears you a new one," Mia said mocking me a little before hanging up. I turned to Carson, who was watching me through concerned eyes.

"I have to go," I sighed. I dreaded having to go home. It had become my least favourite place on the planet.

"Is everything okay?" Carson asked and I shrugged in response. Probably not, but it didn't really matter. It wasn't a surprise and I was used to it. "I'll drive you."


When I got home, everyone was in the living room. They looked like the perfect family without me. I sighed and closed the front door behind me, capturing the attention of first Margot, and then everyone else.

"Where the hell have you been?" She demanded, standing up.

"Out," I said without looking at her. The thought of her made me sick, but she somehow also managed to knock the backbone out of me.

"Margot told me that you didn't come home last night. We were worried," my dad said. I raised an eyebrow at that, seeing his luggage still by the stairs.

"I got home when she was sleeping and left before she woke up," I explained.

"I don't believe that for a second," Margot snapped.

"And I don't care what you believe," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Melody don't be rude to your stepmother," my father chided.

"She's not my anything," I sneered, turning on my heels. I stopped at his suitcases on my way up the stairs. "Welcome home," I added sarcastically, though it was so quiet I wasn't sure anyone but me heard it.


I locked myself in my room for the rest of the day, skipping dinner in the process. Despite Leslie's best efforts, and Mia's threats on behalf of her mother, I avoided family dinner. All I could handle was lying in my bed and glaring up at the ceiling. I dreaded going to school the next day and my mind spun out of control as it came up with possible scenarios of what my day might be like.

At around eleven o'clock that night, I finally dragged myself out of my bed and went downstairs to run. It was the only way I could think of getting my mind off of things. As I passed the kitchen, I saw Margot inside with two pills in her hand and a glass of water. She quickly glanced around to make sure no one was looking before tossing them into her mouth and washing them down with the water.

Hastily, I headed down to the basement, passing my father's office on the way. His eyes were glued to his computer as usual, so I didn't worry about him seeing me.

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