• 63: Aiglentina •

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That night, I sat down with my family at dinner hiding my giddiness until the food was served. We had pesto pasta and pork tenderloins, but I was sticking with the salad. I looked around to make sure no one was ready to speak before sharing my news.

"So, that last go-see I went to..." I started quietly. All eyes were drawn to me, my father's with interest, Mia's mild interest and Margot looked like she wanted me to just stop talking. "It was for the company Scarlett Noir and well, I got it! I'm going to be in their next campaign."

"Seriously?" Mia exclaimed cutting through the shocked silence that seemed to settle in the room. I couldn't quite read her face. Was that a hint of excitement? A glimmer of envy? Or maybe just shock?

"Yeah, I shoot next week Thursday," I said with a grin.

"Will it actually be in magazines or on websites this time?" Margot asked.

"What do you have to wear?" Mia asked. "It better not be that kind of fashion that actually just looks like trash bags but they try to pass it off as couture."

"I don't know, I just found out," I replied.

"Well, we're all happy for you," my dad smiled.

"Make sure you are home tomorrow after school so we can go shopping for the Christmas banquet this Sunday. You need a dress," Margot said dropping the topic.

"I have lots of dresses," I said quietly. The idea of shopping with Margot and Mia grew more and more daunting with each passing year. It always left me feeling hideous and sad.

"You need a nice, new dress," Margot smiled, thought her eyes were hard and pointed towards me. I didn't miss the emphasis on 'nice' either. My dad seemed to though.

"Go, it'll be lots of fun!" he said. I smiled and nodded, knowing I could not escape my sentence no matter how hard I tried.


I waited a month but had to make the account.

Check @MelodyWinters on Instagram.

Your page is up, and I'll text you the password.

Gavin LeBlanc; 6:03am

I used my mother's last name in modelling as it made me feel connected to her as well as kept me a little more anonymous from my schoolmates... not that it really mattered anymore.

Okay, thanks!

Melody Reese; 7:10am

While waiting for Carson to pick me up, I opened the app on my phone and typed in the username. A profile appeared with a single photo. One from a portfolio shoot. I smiled seeing a faint resemblance to my mother in the way my hair looked and in my facial expression.

I saw Carson's car outside the window and pulled on my jacket before dashing out the door. I slid into the car and gave Carson a quick kiss.

"Good morning," I said with a smile.

"You look like you have exciting news," Carson replied putting the car into drive.

"Oh, it's not that important..." I replied shyly.

"I always want to hear your news." It was soft, like he second-guessed saying it out loud, but it slipped passed his lips anyways.


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