• 47: Going Around •

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A week had passed and once again, it was Thursday. A week of going to school, readings, assignments, and math homework. A week of going to the cafeteria with Carson and sitting with my friends. A week of focusing on the fun and trying to ignore Mia and Margot. It was normal, until last night when I got a called from Gavin.

A call-back. From a cattle call, I didn't think it would happen, but they narrowed down the selection of girls and I was a part of the new selection. Gavin was picking me up after lunch and I would head back into New York for another audition.

While talking to my friends, holding hands with Carson, I wracked my brain trying to figure out how to tell him about the modelling and everything. But something inside me just shied away at the idea. It was like there was a block in my brain preventing me from coming close to it.

When I hinted at secrets at the coffee shop, last week, a voice in my head screamed for me to stop. Then I did. I needed that extra week. It would be a month since we first kissed, maybe Carson would like me enough, or know me enough to stick around. Maybe he'd just keep it a secret and we could go about our lives without the rest of the school wanting to know my progress.

"Oh, um, I have an appointment today, so I'm leaving school after lunch," I told Carson quietly.

"What kind of appointment?" Cora asked from across the table. I hated that she asked for specifics. I didn't like to tell blatant lies. It was one thing to say that I had an appointment because I did, but to say I was going to a doctor or dentist would be completely untrue.

"Mind your business dude," Alani said motioning between Carson and I. I picked at my salad with my fork while Cora gave her friend a dirty look. Emma asked Noah and Harley something quickly and the attention was no longer on us.

"Okay," Carson said, squeezing my free hand softly. I smiled at him.

"Let's do something after school tomorrow?" I murmured. Carson nodded, his eyes brightening.

"Sounds like a plan. We can go somewhere cute. I'll surprise you," Carson said making me grin.


After lunch, I headed to the office to get signed out. I noticed Jennette from my art class and Rose in there talking to a secretary. Rose gave me a dirty look when she noticed me, but I ignored her and showed the attendance secretary my note. She signed me out and soon I was leaving the school walls as quickly as possible. I slipped into Gavin's car before we sped off, New York bound.


"Okay, try these on please."

A dress and a pair of heels. There were no fitting rooms; just a dressing area, a ton of girls, and even more clothes. We all got three outfits and thirty takes per outfit to get it right. My phone was off; my mind was focused on getting this. On smizing like Tyra Banks and working it like Gisele Caroline Bundchen.

The girls were pretty, but I tried not to pay attention to them. It was about me. Doing the best that I could do. Hopefully, I got it, and didn't let everyone down again.


When I was back home, I turned my phone on to see a ton of text messages and four missed calls. Two were from Carson, one was from Emma and another from Alani. I frowned down at my screen and went sat down on the couch to check them. I read the messages and gasped in horror.

Melody! Pick up!

Emma Murphy; 2:02 pm

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