• 81: Broken Glass •

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This song will hit you in the feels (lol):


When we went out on Saturday, I was surprised that Melody ordered a salad, and ate it all. I didn't say anything but was glad that she had some nourishment in her body. While being around her all the time I didn't always see it, she had been losing a bit of weight, despite her already being thin.

With exam approaching and schoolwork piling up, I noticed Melody getting more stressed and in her head. She had been eating less, and I couldn't understand why. I also didn't want to bring it up and make her uncomfortable, so I tried to lead her to the food without forcing it on her. I knew the bullying and rumours were wearing on her too, but I wasn't quite sure how to help without adding fuel to the fire. I also always seemed to be somewhere else whenever Rose reared her head. But I figured the best thing I could do was be there for Melody.

After the arcade, we went to Melody's house and decided to watch Project Runway in her room. She was quiet, content to curl up next to me and lay her head across my lap. I ran my fingers through her soft brown hair, feeling my heart pound as I looked down at her.

She was so unguarded in this moment. There wasn't a carefully put together expression on her face, or well-thought out response being prepared in her mind. She was just calm and reacting slightly, every so often to her favourite show.

And she was beautiful. So, very beautiful.

I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

"What's that for?" she asked, smiling up at me.

"Nothing. I just lo-like kissing you," I said. She smiled at me and turned back to the computer, while I freaked out internally.

Did I almost just say what I think I just almost said?

I looked down at Melody, brown hair spilt all around her. Green eyes with hints of blue in them, shaped like perfect almonds. Her nose curving up and back down to meet the skin that became the cupid's bow.

Of course, what I almost said almost slipped out of my mouth. It was true.

Melody Reese had blown into my life like a graceful tornado and swept me off my feet in the process. She was everything I wanted and more and there was no going back. And I was more than okay with that.


The days lead into the last few days of January and exam season was close to finishing up. I had spent Friday after school with Melody, studying in her room. We were listening to an indie playlist on her computer as we worked. She was engrossed in an art project, wearing a pair of overalls that were covered in colours as she painted on the easel Ms. Foster let her borrow. She looked so cute and focused, and I had to keep reminding myself to concentrate on my English notes for the upcoming exam.

As I finished up my notes, I turned to Melody whose art piece was coming along nicely. It was grey and black around the edges with an angry explosive red in the middle. It was very abstract, and although I didn't have the slightest clue what it meant, I could feel a lot of emotion behind it. Earlier she took a glass bottle in a plastic bucket out onto her balcony and carefully broke it with a hammer. Now she was gluing pieces of it to the canvas.

"Looks awesome so far, Mellie," I said, closing my book.

"I'm glad you like it... Good thing art is the only class I have that's full-year," Melody said without looking up. I slipped my books into my bag.

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