• 46: Arms Length Away •

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Melody and I sat in the corner of the coffee shop next to the large class bookshelf, in the red beanbag chairs near it. Our half empty coffee mugs sat next to our soft seats on the wooden floor. While Melody's perfect nose was stuck in her book, I took the time to observe the way she curled her long legs underneath her body. Her lips were slightly pursed as she focused on the words on the page, as if she was really in trying to absorb the things she was seeing. She had taken her long hair out of the ponytail in was in and let it cascade around her like a soft blanket. Occasionally, she would raise her head slightly to write down something about the book and then go back to reading. Eventually Melody glanced up and caught my gaze, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink.

"Aren't you reading?" she asked shyly.

"I took a break," I started. "The word 'phony' doesn't look like a real word anymore." Melody laughed but gave me a pointed look.

"You better not be dissing my pal Holden," she said sternly.

"Oh, so you're pals now?" I chuckled. She nodded. A smile was on her face, but it was small, almost wistful.

"He's just a teen trying to survive in a world full of meanness and well, phony people," Melody said softly. She sounded casual, but somehow, I felt she related to Holden a little more than she let on. "I don't think people intend to be that way..."

"Why not?"

"I guess... everyone has their secrets and things going on and maybe they are that way to deal with it." Melody shifted in her beanbag chair and glanced down at her hands.

"Do you have secrets?" I asked. It sounded like a joke, but I wanted her to open up to me. I wanted her to know that she could tell me any and everything.

"Maybe," she wore a grin on her lips, but her green eyes were a shade darker as she spoke. "Don't you?"

"I guess so, but I'm sure you'll know everything about me soon enough," I said leaning towards her. Her eyes shifted behind me and her expression softened.

"The sunset is beautiful."

Just like that, she was closed again. Arm's length away. Fingertips brushing but never fully grasping. I picked up my coffee mug and glanced out the window too. After taking a sip I smiled.

"It is."

However, it was nothing compared to her.


After spending another hour at the coffee shop, no longer reading, but sipping our drinks and talking I drove her home. As we approached the house, I noticed Melody grew more and more quiet. Through she kept the conversation going, she played with her hands more and her voice got softer.

I hated what her stepmother and stepsister made her feel like. Insignificant. Nothing. In truth she was very much the opposite. But I didn't know if she would ever see that.


Tiny little chapter but Carson is the cutest! Let's hope this writing streak I'm on keeps up for the summer! Haha! Let me know what you think by commenting and voting! I entered Paper Thin into the Watty's so all your support would be lovely! <3 

Also, I made a new cover for Paper Thin! Let me know what you think of that! I just opened up a cover shop which will let you guys request covers, banners, critiques etc. for your stories, so check that out! :)

Thank you for all your reads and support! 

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