• 78: Magician's Box•

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Carson walked me to the art room once I calmed down. Ms. Foster's curious and concerned eyes seemed to burn holes into my skin, so I managed to force a small smile onto my lips to greet her.

"Hey Miss," I said quietly.

"Hi Ms. Foster," Carson said, closing the door behind us.

"Hey Melody, hey Carson," Ms. Foster replied. "How was your break?"

"Great!" Carson said, while I sat down and pulled out my sketchbook. I began drawing, while Carson and Ms. Foster chatted lightly about their holidays.

Carson took out his lunch and pushed some fruit towards me. I glared at the fruit and pushed them away immediately, before going back to my drawing. I heard Carson sigh, but he didn't say anything as he ate his lunch.

The bell soon rang, as the lunchtime drama had taken up most of our free time, and Carson had to head off to gym. He squeezed my hand softly, before getting up.

"I'll see you after okay?" he said quietly.

"Okay," I nodded.

Carson then left the room and I could feel Ms. Foster watching me.

"You okay hon?" she asked. Though tears welled up in my eyes again – that stupid knee-jerk reaction when someone asks that question – I nodded.

The classroom door soon opened, and students filed in one by one. They all gave me weird looks as they entered, confirming my belief that they did know. Jenette walked over to me and smiled.

"Why so glum... Didi?" she asked, making a couple people around her chuckle. I rolled my eyes at her but didn't respond. Emma ran into the room and sat next to me.

"What happened at lunch?" she asked.

"Rose happened," I said quietly. The bell rang and Ms. Foster cleared her throat.

"Okay class! I hope your holidays were great. Grab an easel and some paper, we're going to talk about texture!" She said.

Everyone got up and crowded around the easels, trying to get their hands on one first, despite the fact that there were enough for each of us. I waited a moment before heading over there as well.

"You shouldn't be mad because everyone knows you were fat. Guys like you girls with a little something to hold on to," a male voice said. My head whipped around to face who it was coming from. Diesel stood next to me with a smirk on his face. He gave me a once over. "You're looking a little bonier these days, but I think I could work with you," he added slapping my bottom as he brushed past me.

I stood there, horrified at what had just happened. I couldn't find my voice, let along my feet to move and that made me furious with myself. Had I ever done, or said anything to make him think that was okay? Maybe my not saying anything made him think it was.

"Mel, are you grabbing an easel?" Emma asked, holding one.

"R-right," I said and swallowed hard. I picked up an easel and followed Emma over to where we would sit during the lesson.


That night, I went down to the basement and ran on the treadmill. Though a voice in my mind told me to stop, my feet wouldn't do what they were told. I kept watching the numbers on the treadmill tell me how many calories I had burned, but I couldn't stop thinking 'I'll stop at the next hundred.' I only stopped when I really wasn't able to see straight, and almost fell off the machine.

I dragged myself up the stairs and into the kitchen to get some water. As I drank from my glass, Mia walked in and wrinkled her nose.

"Ew, you're all sweaty," she said, opening the pantry.

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