• 3: Fifty Shades of Red •

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I found myself repeating what happened yesterday at lunch and wondered if it would become a lunchtime ritual. I walked into the cafeteria and scanned the room looking for somewhere to sit. Again, all the tables had a clear distinction of who sat where, or even just really close friend groups. I noticed that even Alani had a group with somewhere to sit. I walked towards the lunch line and grimaced at the food. The menu was comprised of greasy fries, fattening hamburgers, cheesy pizza, and carb-filled pasta.

I did one-eighty and headed towards the cafeteria doors that led to the hallway. I opened them slowly, hoping not to hit anyone this time, but was surprised as they flew open.

"Out of our way, New Girl!" Someone called. I stepped aside and watched as the popular crowd marched into the cafeteria. Two quarterbacks held the door open, and Rose appeared in between them. Her two friends were on either side of her and a small group of other people, riding the coattails of popularity entered behind them. Rose cast me a sideways sneer and I honestly couldn't believe this was real life. It felt like something out of a really pathetic teen movie.

I, and the rest of the students in the cafeteria watched them walk to a special table off to the side of the room that I had missed in my initial scan of the place. They seemed to be having so much more fun than everyone else and of course, they probably were. I turned back to the hallway and immediately bumped into someone. After regaining my balance, I noticed it was Carson White. I assumed my face was fifty shades of red as it felt so hot I thought it might combust.

"I'm so sorry! I keep doing this! I swear I'm not doing it on purpose," I rambled. He chuckled and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"I'm beginning to think it's just how you greet people," Carson teased, giving me a mischievous smile. If it was possible, my face felt hotter.

"Oh, only other teens," I started jokingly, trying to erase some of my embarrassment. "I like to trip children and old people as a hello." Carson let out a hearty laugh, which resonated in my bones and brought a wide smile to my face.

"Are you grabbing lunch?" He asked. I twisted my hands uncomfortably but shook my head with a smile.

"I already ate." It tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it. I knew it didn't make sense, and it was the same excuse I had yesterday, but it was the first thing that came to my mind. Carson opened his mouth, but I cut him off quickly. "Sorry, I have to go."

Hastily, I walked down the hallway, ignoring the stiff, achy feelings in my legs, and the slight rumbling in my stomach.

I soon found myself outside my art classroom. I peeked in and saw Ms. Foster sitting at her desk. She was lean over, her pretty dark brown, ringlets spilling over her shoulder, and she was working intently on something. I took a deep breath before knocking softly on the open door. Ms. Foster glanced up and smiled at me.

"Melody! Come in. What can I do for you?" She asked cheerily. Her dark brown eyes were bright as she watched me walk into the room.

"Um, I was just wondering if I could maybe work on my art project here? I don't have much space or time to work on it at home..." I asked shifting uncomfortably.

"Of course, honey, come on in!" Ms. Foster exclaimed. I smiled and stepped into the room. I sat down at my table and took out my supplies. "Oh! If you want to eat your lunch in here, you are more than welcome to do it, I'd just suggest eating away from your supplies!"

"I'm okay, but thank you though," I replied quietly. Ms. Foster nodded then went back to her work, and I was able to work quietly on my assignment.


In math class, after the lesson, our teacher gave us questions to work on and left the room to get some photocopying done. Alani, who was in the same class as me but sat across the room, used it as an opportunity to make her way over to my desk. Her purple hair was up into a messy bun, revealing the multiple piercings on her ears.

"Don't go to your locker after school," she whispered.

"What? Why?" I was suddenly alarmed. For a moment, I briefly wondered if a dead fish was waiting for me inside my locker.

"The whole school saw you talking with Carson White, and it sounds like Rose is pretty pissed and wants to talk." With that, Alani was back at her seat, leaving me in utter shock. I'd have preferred the dead fish...


I avoided my locker after school, as the thought dealing with Rose was less than appealing. Instead, I began my walk home with whatever was in my backpack. A bit more than five minutes away from Alcott High, I was suddenly pulled into the patch of trees near the sidewalk I had been on.

I stumbled into the bushes and landed on top of one of Rose's friends. It was the one that had glared at me in the hallway when I was walking with Carson. She had pin-straight, strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. I was close enough to her now to see light freckles scattered across her face.

"OW! Get your fat ass off me!" The words stung, and I tried to blink the hurt away.

"You pulled me hard enough to make me fall, so it's your fault!" I retorted, getting up and dusting off my clothes. Margot would kill me if she saw me with dirt on my clothes.

"Well, it isn't my fault you have two left feet!" She snapped.

I know where I want to put one of them right now... I thought.

"Would you both shut up?" Another annoying voice came from beside me. I glanced to my left and a carbon copy of the girl I had landed on was next to me. I bit back a small yelp. These were the twins I saw backing Rose up.

"Summer, she started it!" I heard from my other side.

"Shut it Serena, we are here for a reason! Now stop acting like a five-year-old!" Summer chastised. Serena frowned but stopped talking. They turned their attention to me.

"Oh yeah..." Serena began as she dusted off her pink crop top. For a moment, I wondered how much pink they had to have in order to keep up with their leader. "We were sent to tell you something since you avoided your locker today," Serena continued.

"So, we've been seeing you spending some time with Carson White," Summer stated.

"Yes. The Carson White. Rose's Carson White. Not yours," Serena added. They both stepped closer to me, backing me up into a tree.

"Exactly. Not yours. This is your official warning to stay away," Summer threatened. I rolled my eyes though I felt my heart hammering in my chest.

"It's not like I've been going out of my way... and I'm not after him or anything I barely know him." I mumbled. Summer glared at me.

"Rose doesn't give second chances," they sneered in unison. I swallowed hard. "Ooh, twin jinx!" They squealed flipping their hair. I rolled my eyes once again.

"Well, if you're finished; I need to go home."

I walked away from them and found my way out of the trees and back on the sidewalk. The thing that would have stood out to most people didn't stick with me. I didn't care for the whole "stay away from the hot boy" spiel because I had bigger problems than that.

What really kept replaying was "get your fat ass off of me".

Fat ass... It burned.

It really did.


Author's Note: Not the longest chapter, but it's coming along! I'm already working on the next chapter, so hopefully it will be ready soon enough! Exams are coming up, so I probably won't be too focused on writing, but I'll be done for the summer soon enough, and more than ready to write write write!!

 Comment your feedback and vote! Have a great day!

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