• 27: Whack-A-Mole •

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It was incredible to think that I had just spent a very magical moment kissing Carson White. We both pulled away slowly, comfortably sitting in the quiet, breathing in the autumn air. I looked down at the blankets beneath us, biting back my smile. I didn't want to seem overly happy, though I thought I might just explode. Carson touched my chin, causing me to look up at him again. He opened his mouth to say something, but the chimes of a xylophone rang out, interrupting him.

I sighed apologetically and picked my phone up out of my bag.


"Melody Reese, where the hell are you?"

At the annoyed tone of Margot's voice, I stood up and walked away from Carson. She sounded intoxicated, which happened about once a month when she went out for cocktails with her friends. She was on the warpath when she came home, and it was the only time she paid close attention to me. Especially if Mia told her I did something wrong.

"I went out for a little."

"Who do you think you are?" Margot snapped.

"Since it's a Friday night, I didn't think anyone would care," I tried to reason. She usually didn't give a damn about me, so I hated that now was the moment she chose to.

"You can't just leave whenever you want! You have things to do at your house. Did you do any homework? Did you exercise? Is your room clean? I'm tired of that fashion junk around! It's madness!"

"It isn't," I whispered.

"Your current success rate begs to differ. Be back in fifteen minutes, or these stupid flowers you left lying around get thrown out." The line went dead and I looked down at the phone bitterly.

Mia could go out at all hours of the night, and stumble in so drunk it was as if she decided to knock back two bottles of pure vodka. But God forbid I'm out at ten o'clock on a Friday night, once. I took a deep breath, collecting myself before turning back to Carson. I wondered if he heard the things Margot was saying to me. It sure felt like she was screaming them.

"Is everything okay?" he asked as I walked towards the blankets again. The look on his face told me he knew the answer to his question, but I shrugged and gave him a tiny smile.

"It's fine. I'm so sorry. I just have to go home now," I replied as I picked up my bag. Carson frowned slightly, but he nodded.

"Okay, I'll drive you."

I wanted to smile at the offer and accept, but instead I shook my head. I couldn't "Thanks, but I'll walk." I didn't want to subject him to the group of people living in my home. What if she said those things about me to Carson? He would know I'm not what he needs or should even want.

"No, let me drive you," Carson insisted, standing up. Carson took both my hands in his and looked into my eyes.

"It's not far, I promise I'll be okay." Carson had a look of resignation on his face, so I give his hands a soft squeeze. "Thank you for a wonderful night."

Carson smiled at that and pressed his lips to mine softly. "Text me when you're home safe."


I woke up to the sound my phone vibrating, and I saw a text message from Alani.

We're going out to lunch instead of bowling today.

Noah got an extra shift at work.

Do you want me to pick you up?

Alani Reynolds; 9:45am

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