• 98: Headlights •

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I never quite understood the deer caught in headlights metaphor. It made sense in theory, but it never seemed to fully sink in. Maybe it was because I'd never been close enough to a deer to know that it froze. Maybe it was because it never answered the question 'why headlights?' Why not something else? And why did it freeze? Why wouldn't it immediately run?

Why wait until it was too late?

As Diesel staggered into the bathroom I froze, and it all seemed to click. The headlights were a sign that something big was coming; a truck. Ready to mow the poor little deer down on the highway. It froze, weighing its options, which is what I did now.

"Hey Melody," Diesel smirked. I took half a step back. "You're looking quite sexy tonight." Another half step back. "I thought you and I could have a little... fun." I took another step, but this time to the side, hoping to get around him, but Diesel blocked my path. "What's your rush?" he asked. I didn't respond. Instead I tried to quickly step past him. He caught my wrist and pulled me back.

It was too late.

"Stop." It finally came out, but it was feeble, and weak, like my attempt to break free of his grasp. He was a thick guy, a football player. He probably weighed two hundred pounds at a minimum. He altered between his stumbling, dead weight and determination, yanking me towards him no matter how hard I pulled away.

His other hand made its way to my backside and I jumped, feeling immediate discomfort at the unwarranted groping. A giddy laugh left Diesels mouth, and my blood was ice water running through my veins.

"Your ass got bigger! I told you a fat ass was better to hold to," he said leaning forward. I turned my head to the side, and he began kissing my neck and my jaw. Tears began rolling down cheeks and I tried to break out of his hold.

"Stop!" I said loudly this time. Diesel chuckled obnoxiously in response.

"Don't play hard to get. I know you like me," he slurred against my skin.

"I'm dating Carson," I insisted shakily.

"That's never stopped you before." The smell of alcohol on his breath made my stomach churn. "You're good with cheating." His grip tightened and his lips went to my cheek, reaching for my lips.

"Stop!" I yelled, struggling as hard as I could to get away from him. I took steps backwards, though his arms still confined me, until my back was against the bathroom wall. I was officially trapped. "Stop," I repeated, feeling his hot and sloppy mouth against the corner of my lips. "Please." It was almost a whisper, coloured with terror.

"What the hell?!"

Suddenly, Diesel wasn't towering over me anymore. Cool relief washed over my body, and the adrenaline holding me up melted. My legs felt limp and I slid towards the floor, into a mess of sobs. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, trying to hold myself together.

I barely registered Emma crouching beside me. She was asking questions, but I could only hear Carson's yelling over the sound of my heart pounding in my ears.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he growled. I'd never heard him this furious before.

"She wanted me," Diesel slurred, nonchalantly. I then heard skin against skin. I heard Diesel groan in pain. A hard punch. I couldn't bring myself to look up and watch the action unfold. I couldn't bring myself to look at Diesel. "Dude? What's your problem?"

"When a girl says stop. You better damn well stop," Carson snarled. I heard another punch and I flinched slightly at the sound. "If she says no. She means no." Another punch. "If she's trying to get away from you. Let her go." And another.

"Okay, I think he's had enough," Harvey said. "I'll deal with this douchebag. You take care of Mel." I heard Carson sigh and then pause.

"If you even look in her direction again, I will kill you myself," Carson said. I heard another punch before he was swiftly beside me. Though his touch was gentle against my arm, I jumped slightly at the sudden contact. He pulled his hand back, and he sat down on the floor, facing me.

"You're okay now," he said softly. "Do you want to leave?" I nodded but couldn't stop the sobs that racked my body and left me gasping for air. "Can I help you up?" I nodded once again, and Carson stretched his hands out to me.

"I'll go get our stuff and meet you at the front," Emma said.

I took Carson's hands as he helped me onto my feet. My legs shook with anxiety, making it hard to stand, as they threatened to buckle with every step. Though most people had moved to the dance floor, a couple onlookers wore curious stares on their faces as we passed by them.

We met Emma and Harvey at the front and stepped out into the cold air. Carson helped me put on my jacket and we walked down the porch steps. The moment we stepped onto the driveway, I strode away from everyone and knelt by the snow-covered grass, throwing up the little water I had in my system.

I told you a fat ass was better to hold to, echoed in my ears and fear bubbled in my stomach. Once again, I heaved into the snow.


Author's Note: Whew. Heavy. But at least Melody's okay. Thank God for Carson, Harvey, and Emma! It was tricky to write this scene because I wanted it to be realistic, but not miss the mark! I hope that something like this hasn't happened to any of you, but if it has, I'm sorry, and I want you to know that you did nothing wrong. If you haven't spoken to anyone about it, I strongly urge you to! And though it might not always seem like it, everything will be okay.

Sorry it took so long to post this  chapter (I know, I left you on SUCH a cliff hanger)! School really came for my jugular! Like it took no hesitation! Just went for it. LOL! That's also why I've been horrible at responding to comments this week! Sorry about that as well! Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon! What do you think will happen next?

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