• 4: Demure •

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An all too familiar bell rang, and I double-checked my appearance in the mirror. It was the bell for family dinner, and I was less than excited. It was a routine that Margot created for any time my father actually came home for dinner. I thought it was stupid that she forced us to change into something nice to wear for dinner in the house, but whatever Margot said was law here.

I sort of felt like hiding this evening, so I didn't wear a dress like usual. I wore white high-waisted jeans, with a black baggy but cropped sweater and dressed it up with a big gold chunky necklace. I sighed at my reflection in the mirror and hoped no one would criticize my attire.

I got downstairs quickly and took my seat at the table. Mia was already there in her seat beside me and gave me a once over. She said nothing, which meant she actually approved of my outfit, which happened once in a blue moon.

Mia and I actually used to get along when we were younger. When she moved in, it seemed perfect, she was a year older than me and we could hang out together. But one day she woke up and decided she wanted nothing to do with me. I guess she wasn't really my sister, so she didn't have to like or care about me. I wished she did. It would have been nice to have someone on my side, but she didn't like me anymore and I didn't know why.

Margot sat down across from Mia, and soon my father entered the room. He really didn't look very much like me except for the fact that we both had green eyes. Otherwise, I looked like I was adopted into the family I was sitting with. My father and Mia both had blonde hair, as did Margot, thanks to a bottle of hair bleach. Her and her daughter were both in nice dresses, and my dad was in a suit and tie from his day at the office. They all began talking as we waited for Leslie to serve us dinner.

"... then I told him that if he didn't, I'd take my business and all of his clients with me elsewhere," Margot finished, looking around expectantly. I just zoned into the conversation and had no clue what was going on, so I sipped on my water quietly. Mia grinned at her mother and my father smiled.

"That's my woman!" He encouraged. I glared down at my water. "Melody!" My dad suddenly exclaimed, making me jump slightly. "How's school been?"

"Great!" I replied with the brightest smile I could put on. My father smiled and nodded.

"Have you made any friends?" He asked. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was better to lie or not. Not that lying is the best thing to do, but sometimes it's easier than having my family make fun of me. However, it's the second day, so...

"Um, not quite yet, but there are a few people that I get along with well," I told him. So, I embellished a little, but Alani and Carson were the only two people who I knew didn't hate me... I think.

"Figures," Mia muttered under her breath. My face went pink, but I didn't reply. Next time, I know I'm going to lie.

"Well, it's only the second day, so don't worry," my father said. I nodded and was very happy that Leslie brought our dinner in at that moment. The salad came first, which I was grateful for as I filled up on it so much that it left little room for carbs or anything else. I took another large sip of my water and began eating my salad. I took tiny bites and chewed slowly, remembering all the stupid rules that had been taught to us when we were younger.

A lady takes small bites... Demure women don't wolf down their food... Sit up tall and push out your chest slightly; pretty girls need good posture... Margot ingrained them in my head since I was eleven.

A heavy sigh broke me out of my thoughts and I glanced up from my food. Everyone was waiting for me to finish my salad, so they could move on to their next plate.

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