Start from the beginning

How pitiful.

"How about we start with a Ten" I responded while retaining a calm facade, while indeed, there was a storm brewing inside me. How did he see me now? A gold digger? It didn't matter now right? It was all over.

In one quick motion,he wrote a cheque and threw it at me.

I crouched down to pick it up,all the while looking him in the eye.

Pathetic...I know.

I rose to my feet. "Good enough. It was nice doing business with you" Wasn't that what they said in the movies?

I extended my hand for a handshake. He didn't take it and so I returned my hand to my side. I marched towards the door, reminiscing of every silly memory of the mansion, the marriage. I paused and turned to look at John.

"Trust me,it won't last" My eyes shifted to Tiara and then back to John. I forced a weak smile and walked out, leaving everything behind.


It was fun watching their story unfold, mostly because my friend is an Idiot.

The brunette-I can't remember her name-pecked me lightly on the cheek.

"Good morning hun," she sat up as she wrapped the blanket around herself.

She was indeed pretty, I never go for anything less,but, she talked too much and I hated that.

Hope she doesn't intend to have breakfast here.

I glanced at my wall clock, it was already 8:14. I scrambled out of bed.

"So..." The brunette began but I cut her off immediately.

"You have to go" I quickly told her.

Her nose crinkled in distaste. "Why?"

Think, Luke, think.

How do I get rid of her?

My phone went off and I checked the caller ID, it was Diane.

Thank you, Diane. You're my savior.

I picked the call. "Hello honey"

"What the hell,Luke. Are you drunk?" She asked over the phone.

"You're coming now?" I pretended I was in panic mode, as I threw things around.

"Let me guess, you have a guest" I imagined she rolled her eyes, cause yes, that's something Diane would do.

"I love you so much, bye. See you soon" I ended the call. "That's my wife, she's on her way here"

The look of horror on the brunette's face wasn't surprising.

"You. Pig. You . didn't. Say. You. Were married" She cursed as she gathered her things. For a moment, I thought she was gonna walk past me but she slapped me,hard. "Disgusting pig"she spat before she left.

I really deserved that.

I sighed in relieve as I rubbed my chin.

That girl sure knows how to slap.

I collapsed on the bed and retrieved my phone. I dialed Diane's number. She answered on the first ring.

"Another guess" she began immediately. "You told her I was your wife right?"

"Do you know I love you so much Diane?" I teased.

"One day, you're gonna loose your family jewels. Trust me"

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