Chapter 5 "Tied Up":

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Gabe's POV:
I woke up tied to a chair as we were no longer in the store, but rather a well lit shack. I then looked at both sides of me to see AJ and Clem still unconscious and tied up as well. "AJ. Clem. Wake up!" I exclaimed is their eyes begin to open and they looked as terrified as I was. "Gabe, where are we?!" Clem asked me nervously. "I don't know. Are you guys OK?" I asked them. "Yeah, we're fine. What about you?" Clem then asked. "Well I've been worse." I responded and she then said, "Thank God." "Who is that guy?" AJ then asked both of us as Clem told him, "It doesn't matter who it was. We need to focus on is how the fuck we're getting out of here." "Wait, I didn't have a Swiss Army knife in my back pocket." AJ said suddenly remembering it as he struggle for his hands to reach in bis pocket as he indeed pulled out the knife. "Great! Now cut yourself lose." Clem said as I jokingly replied, "Oh no kidding, honey. He was just going to use it to carve the ABCs into it." "Put your jokes and just get us free. Leave the joking to Louis." Clem said is AJ then started to cut into the rope.
Just then, the door in front of us opened as the masked person with a feminine figure came into the room and shut the door behind her as I instantly recognized her as the one who attacked us. She took off her mask to reveal a young Caucasian girl with blue eyes and almost boy looking short brunette hair. There was a moment of silence before she said, "You can stop cutting now, kid. Otherwise I'll just cut your fingers off instead." AJ then start cutting the rope as she reached behind him and took the knife away. "What's with the mask?" I asked her. "Really? That's your first question?" She replied as I just rolled my eyes at her. "We don't often see people around here. And the only times we do, they are always assholes and thieves." The woman then said as Clem told her, "Well I'm not an asshole." "What? Are you calling me an asshole?" I asked Clem as she replied, "Of course not, babe." "By the way, thanks for the headache, bitch." Clem sarcastically told the girl and she replied, "Well, you should have kept her distance." "You better let us go or else we'll...." I began to threaten her and she interrupted and said back, "Will make me pay? Kill me? Tell me to pieces? Make me wish I was dead? I've heard shit like that before and it's never scared me. What makes you think your petty threats will?" I didn't say a word as she then continued, "Yeah, that's what I thought."
"Look, I could've easily killed you back at that Walmart and be done with that, but I didn't because as much as you may not think so, I'm not a bad person. I want to know is who the fuck are you people?" She then asked us as Clem then said, "Go fuck yourself! Just let us go!" "Yeah that is not happening. I can't let you people go and risk another attack on my people. They're already so few of us left as it is." She replied is the door that opened as an older woman that walked in as she said, "What the hell is going on in here...." before looking at me and freezing. Instantly recognized her as soon as she walked in and was frozen as well. It was Kate! I couldn't believe it, but it was really her. She had the same hair she always has but no instead of her read denim jacket, she no has a dark green jacket with a black T-shirt on as well. "K... K... Kate?! I asked in complete shock and disbelief. "G... Gabe? Is that... Is that really you?!" She asked back sounding just as shocked with a single tear of joy coming down her face. I begin shedding a few tears of joy as well as I know had a huge smile on my face. I then looked over to Clementine who looked just as shocked and happy as well. "Release them." Kate eventually told the girl. "But they...." She tried to argue as Kate then said still holding back happy tears, "It's OK, Ramona. It's my... It's my son."
Ramona hesitantly agreed and begin cutting a row with the Swiss Army knife she took from AJ as Kate then looked over to see Clem. "Clementine?!" She asked and excitement and happiness again. "Yeah Kate, it's me. It's been a while." Clem replied as Kate then said, "Indeed it has been." Ramona then cut all three of us free as she then left the room as I ran to Kate and gave her the biggest hug that she instantly returned. "I missed you so much! I thought you were dead!" I said crying my happy tears on her shoulder. "Same here, Gabe. I missed you too." Kate responded as we let go of each other. Clem then stood on her feet as Kate looked down at her stomach and almost gasped. "Clementine! Are... Are you...." She asked in shock as Clem put her hands and her baby bump and answered, "Yes Kate. I am... I'm pregnant." "Well who's the father?" She then asked her as I walked up next to Clem as we shared a quick kiss, held hands, and I said, "That would be me. We are also married as well." "I'm... I'm going to be a grandma?!?!" She exclaimed and excitement as Clem and I nodded as she threw us into a family hug with AJ somehow escaping it. Kate let go of us as she then said, "I'm so happy for you too! You know, Javi and I always knew you two were made for each other." "And you couldn't have been more right." Clementine said resting her head against my shoulder. "My son is alive and I'm going to be a grandma?! This is like the best day ever!" Kate exclaimed with joy as Clementine and I giggled at it. "Well come in. Come meet the others." Kate then said as Clem, AJ, and I followed her out of the room. I still can't believe that after all these years, she was actually still alive and I was so happy to see her again. To have a part of my old family again. Just like I always wanted but never thought I would have again.

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