Chapter 33 "Waking Up":

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Gabe's POV:
My eyes begin to open slowly as I woke up to see that I wasn't at the abandoned factory anymore but instead was back at Haven in one of the medical rooms. I slowly looked to my side to see Eleanor washing her hands and Kate sitting down next to my bed talking to her. "When is he going to wake up? He won't be like Claire was, will he?" Kate asked her as she replied, "No, he should be awake soon." I then picked my head up a bit as Kate and Eleanor then looked at me surprised. "What did I miss?" I asked sitting up as Kate didn't even respond and just cried happy tears as she then hugged me tightly. "Ah! Careful, Kate. It still hurts." I told her as she then let go of me and said, "Oh yeah, sorry." "It's OK. I'm just glad to be home in that this whole Asher thing is all over with." I said back as Kate then smiled at me. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked her as Eleanor than answered, "Only a day. You passed out due to the blood loss from your eye. You just needed to be cleaned up and stitched up." "Ok." I replied.
"So Gabe, about your eye." Eleanor said is I replied, "Yeah I know. Let me see." She then took out a hand held mirror and showed me my reflection as I saw my right eye now had an eye patch over it. "Kenny brought back Ashers eyepatch for you to wear. Think of it as a memento of sorts." Kate told me as I replied, "I just hope that Clem doesn't mind her husband now having only one eye." Right as I mentioned her name, I began thinking about Clem as I asked Eleanor, "Wait, how is Clementine? Is she OK?" "She's fine. She managed to survive the birthing process unlike Sophie. She's in the room across the hall." Eleanor told me. "Can I see her?" I asked. "Gabe, you just woke up and you're still hurt. AJ is with her now. She'll be fine." Kate told me. "No. I want to see her. I want to see my baby too." I told her as she sighed before turning around and asking Eleanor, "Would that be OK, El?" "I guess just as long as he doesn't open any of his stitches, he can go see her." Eleanor answered her as I replied, "Good, then let's go." I said as I tried to get out of bed but almost fell due to my pain. Kate then put my arm around her shoulder and said, "Here, I got you." She then helped me out of the room as we begin walking down the hall so I could see Clem and our newborn baby.
We were about there when I accidentally bumped into someone walking by. "Oh hey, I'm sorry sir." I said as he turned around and looked at me. "Hey, no trouble kid. It won't kill me." He said as he was someone I didn't recognize. He had blonde hair, a blond beard, blue eyes, and was wearing an old work shirt with the name, "Kirkman" on it. "Well, see ya." He said as he began to walk away as Kate and I continued walking away as well. "Who is that guy?" I asked Kate as she answered, "He's new. Just got here yesterday." I nodded as we then made it to Clem's room. Kate open the door as I saw Clem asleep on the hospital bed while AJ was also fast asleep in a chair. Kate then set me down in a chair next to her is I then stroked her cheek with the back of my hand as I saw her eyes flutter open and look at me. She smiled at me as she then said, "Hi, dork." "Hey, honey. I missed you." I said back as I then kissed her forehead. "Me too. Eleanor told me you were back last night." She said before asking, "Is... Is Asher...?" "Yeah, he's dead. For good this time." I answered her and she replied, "Good, then we are safe." I then leaned in and kissed her on the lips as she kissed me right back. Our passionate kiss went on for a few seconds until I heard AJ say, "Ew! Gross!" We both then looked back at him, giggled, and I responded, "Buddy, this will be you someday with a beautiful girl. Maybe even your girlfriend, Skyler." "For the last time, she is not my girlfriend!" He exclaimed as Clem and I chuckled before I said, "Come here, kiddo." AJ then came over and gave me a hug as I hug back. "I love you, buddy. We both love you." I said happily. "I love you guys too." He said back as I was happy to be with my family again after all that happened.
The moment was then kind of ruined when we heard Kate go, "Awww! You guys are just the cutest family." I rolled my eyes as I then remembered the other reason why I wanted to see her. "Speaking of cute, where is our baby? I really want to meet it." I asked as Clementine then said, "She's over in the next room napping." My eyes grew wide as I excitedly said, "Wait, she?!" "Yes, Gabe. She. We had a daughter. We have a daughter." She said as I try to hold back my tears of happiness. "Oh my God! I always wanted a daughter." I said as Clementine replied, "I know. AJ told me that." "I can bring her in here if you guys want to see her." Kate asked is I replied, "Yes, please. I want to meet or a little girl and I want our little girl to meet her daddy." Kate then nodded with a smile before going into the next room. She then return to moments later with my baby in hand as she then placed her in my arms and I got a good look at her. She looked just like Clementine and I and she had my skin color and similar facial features well she had Clementine's eyes and hair color even though she only had little hairs on the top of her head. The happy tears I tried to hold back before now flooded out as I looked at my little baby girl. "Oh, Clem. She's perfect." I said still crying tears of joy. "She really is. Just like her daddy." Clem then said. "No, I think she's perfect like her mommy." I said back as Clementine giggled and smiled at me and our newborn child.
I took a long pause of silence just to look at my beautiful newborn baby girl is I rocked her back-and-forth in my arms. "What's your name?" I asked breaking the silence. "Well, I wanted to wait until you were here to name her." Clem answered. "Oh, well what do you want to name her?" I asked. "Oh come on, Gabe. Just pick a first name. I can't be doing all the work." She said jokingly as I begin to think of a first name. The name is Rachel, Isabella, Emily, Mia, Abby, and Olivia begin racing through my head as I then remembered the dream state I had in begin to think of only one name. "Mari." I said with a smile as Kate and Clem looked at me with smiles on both of their faces. "Mari. That was your sister." Clem said still smiling as I replied, "Yeah and I think that our little girl should have the same name her aunt had." "Aww, Gabe. That's so sweet." Kate then said sitting down. "I love it." Clem said as I then said back, "No you pick out a middle name." Clementine thought for a moment until saying, "Lee. Mari Lee Garcia." "I love it." I said back as we kissed on the lips once more as I said, "Hi little Marie. Welcome to the world." "Oh Kate, I forgot. How is Claire? I know you were talking about her before." I asked her and she replied, "Thankfully she is going to be all right. And she's even talking now. She called me mommy." "Oh that's great. Go be with her. We will be fine." I said as Kate then nodded and left the room while I spent the rest of the day with Clem, AJ, and my new little baby girl, Mari Lee García.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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