15| Operation: Catch the guy

Start from the beginning

You followed him like usual, but sadly got no new information.

But something was bothering you.

'I can't help but think of how Kookie-oppa was acting earlier... He told me to leave him alone, but....he never tells me to leave him alone. That's just plain weird for oppa.'

Hearing sudden footsteps coming downstairs made you almost jump out of your spot on the floor.

'Oh shoot! Someone's coming?!'

Your quick retreat to hide behind the couch was a good idea since literally no one can see you from there.

The person was humming a tune to themselves, seemingly still tired.

You peered over the couch, squinting to see the person's face.


It was Seokjin, probably getting a glass of water, but it's in a sorta red cup so you really couldn't tell from where you were at the moment.

Seokjin stopped humming when he started going back upstairs.

'Well I was almost caught there... I nearly had a mini heart attack!'

Tuesday night:

You've been sitting in bed for awhile, maybe 30 minutes or so? You can't really tell, you were super tired.

You can obviously understand why you'd be so exhausted; it's from staying up past your bedtime. You're still wondering how you've not been caught yet.

The pitter-patter of the rain made you want to instantly fall asleep; but you wanted to keep watching, you wanted to catch whoever was leaving the house. It was just too strange. It's never happened before, so that's a reason why it perked your interest and curiosity.

You just wanted a reason why.

Everyone in the house knows when things catch your interest, you won't ever stop being interested in it unless it starts to bore you. It's just you.

Footsteps, then a door shutting... But you never bothered to move.

'Too.. Tired...'

You decided not to investigate this time. Maybe tomorrow night.

Wednesday night:

Tonight you prayed that you could catch him so you could get some well-needed rest.

You were exhausted.
Just like last night, you stayed up a little while before the person starts to leave.

But for some reason he took longer.

It was 1 am in the morning, but no sound nor sign of him.

'Uhh... I thought he came out this time of night?'

You were surely confused, a little curious but nonetheless confused.

But the footsteps came down the hallway.

'Ah-ha! There he is!'

You sneaked up to the door and peeked out from it, watching him walk downstairs as you quietly followed.

But something caught your eye this time.

'What's he wearing?'

The more you squinted at the person's feet, the more it started to look like Jungkook's special socks you gave him last Christmas.


You then gazed up to his shirt, noticing how it was just a white t-shirt. But then his face......

You could see it.

'K-Kookie-oppa?! It was you?'

You knew something was up with him that day, he seemed out of it, but he said he was fine.

'Does he have the tendency to sleepwalk sometimes? Should I follow him? Just for his safety and all,'

You didn't give that thought a run-over before you were out the door, following your oppa into the dark streets.

— A/N —

Uh-oh! I wonder what's gonna happen next?
(Your welcome for the double update!)

Have a good day/night!

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