Thanksgiving Special

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I am so sorry I know I said I would post yesterday but I got sick and I was in a lot of pain and could barely move so I couldn't type anything or post especially because I was a sleep for most of the day trying to feel better. But I'm feeling a little better today, enough to actually move and type so I'll post this. I'm sorry if any of the characters are out of character and I'm sorry if it's bad or there's any mistakes but I typed this on my phone and off the top of my head/on the spot but anyway enough of my rambling and complaining and everything I'm sorry. But I hope you enjoy the story bub~bye. And...... Happy Thanksgiving!

You were walking to your town where some of your friends and town people were having a thanksgiving party. When you got to your town you saw one of your good friends standing off to the side away from the bustling party, Trafalgar D. Water Law, the surgeon of death. You walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder effectively getting his attention.

"Hey Law! Happy Thanksgiving! How have you been?" You asked cheerfully with a smile and Law just nodded as a greeting.

"Good how about you?" Law asked.

" I'm good also.... Why are you over here and not joining the party?" You asked and Law gave a quick glance towards the rowdy group before looking at you again.

"I don't like big crowds." Law admitted and you nodded in understanding.

"That's understandable I don't care much for them either but I'm making an exception for this time. For everyone here including you." You said with a smile and Law nodded with a small smirk on his face. You were about to say something else when you heard your name getting called and you got tackled to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" A voice yelled and when you looked up at the source of it you saw the smiling face of another one of your good friends, Monkey D. Luffy, Straw Hat Luffy. You gave Luffy a smile as you hugged him back.

"Hi Luffy! Happy Thanksgiving! How are you?" You asked cheerfully as Luffy got up off of you and you also got up off the ground.

"Hey (Y/N)! I'm good how about you?" Luffy said as he gave you a giant smile. You returned the smile as you gave a quick glance to Law who had disappeared.

"I'm good Luffy is the rest of the crew here?" You asked and Luffy nodded and pointed towards the big crowd of people.

"Their over there somewhere" He said with a shrug and then there was a strong smell of meat and Luffys eyes light up and turned into meat as he ran towards the town yelling,

"Meat!" You just watched him run off and giggled at him and his actions. You then saw off in the distance that Zoro was wondering around and looking around seeming to be looking for something. You ran over to him and jumped on his back making him stumble while you were on his back with a smile.

"Hey Zoro! Happy thanksgiving!" You yelled while hugging the mumbling Zoro who turned to look at you over his shoulder with a scowl.

"Get off me woman!" He growled and you just laughed and got off him with a smile.

"Aw come on Zoro!" You pouted and Zoro just scoffed and then you realized were you guys were and turned back to Zoro with a smirk.

"Are you lost?" You asked and Zoro gave you a look that made you laugh as you grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the town. "The town's over here come on" You said as you both got to the town and you let go of his hand he instantly disappears and gets lost. You sighed giving up on him and looked around some more, looking for some more friends. You then spotted a very old friend and ran over to them just to see another old friend.

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