Allergic Reaction Panic: Straw Hats X Reader

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Requested by: Azureman136

"Sanji! I'm hungry!" Luffy yelled as you held his grumbling stomach and Sanji came walking out of the kitchen and glared at Luffy.

"Shut up! I know, foods done." He said and Luffy's face brightened up and into a smile as he was quickly the first one to run into the kitchen with everyone else walking behind. Once you all sat down, you noticed Sanji had made some shellfish and so you avoided it until Sanji noticed and looked at you confused and slightly hurt.

"(Y/N), do you not like shellfish?" He asked and everyone looked at you surprised and confused and you looked around at them all nervously before guilt crept into you and you gulped before giving him and everyone else a nervous smile.

"N-no, I like it Sanji." You said quickly grabbing some and eating it and Sanji still looked at you suspiciously before sighing in relief and slightly smiling as he went into his love mode.

"Awe, thank you (Y/N)~ You're too sweet and kind~ I knew you loved my food and cooking!" He sung and you smiled at him until suddenly your stomach and chest started to hurt and you began to have trouble breathing and you also started coughing and then your face, lips, tongue and throat all painfully began to swell, making it even harder to breath, which then really brought attention to yourself as you crew mates all looked on at you in shock, surprise, panic, worry, and fear. The straw hat pirates then began running around in the kitchen like crazy from panic. You were allergic to it. You were allergic to shellfish. It was the only thing you were really allergic to and that's why you avoided it, but you felt too guilty and pressured by the stares of your friends to not eat it. And that's what made this situation happen, because you just couldn't tell the crew, your friends, of your allergy. And now you were having a nasty bad allergic reaction. But now you were in grave danger because of your stupid unneeded and unnecessary fear, while you were all out at sea with no islands in sight!

"Stop it you idiots!" Nami yelled at the panicked crew who were all running around the kitchen like crazy mad people.

"Oh no! (Y/N)! Are you ok?!" All of the straw hat pirates then exclaimed running over to you in worry as they tried to help you.

"What do we do?! What are we going to do! What happened to her?! Is she dying?!" Usopp exclaimed in panic he began to grab his head and run around in a circle while screaming next to everyone, stopping occasionally to check up on you.

"Chopper, what's wrong with her!" Luffy asked in concern as you turned towards the reindeer doctor who examined you.

"She's having a serious allergic reaction to the shellfish!" He exclaimed in panic before running around in circles in the kitchen.

"We need a doctor! We need a doctor! We need a doctor-"

"YOUR THE DOCTOR!" Everyone else yelled, including you with whatever strength you could muster, which stopped the reindeer and realization dawned on him as his eyes widened.

"Oh yea! I'll be back!" Chopper exclaimed running out of the room as all attention went back onto you.

"Don't talk (Y/N), and just relax, don't try to move, just stay still." Nami told you as Luffy held you and you nodded. Chopper quickly came back in with some medicine and gave it to you.

"Franky, could you pick her up and bring her to my office to rest?" Chopper asked and Franky quickly stood up and nodded as he did his normal pose.

"SUPER! Of course!" He exclaimed before gently picking you up and bringing you into Choppers office and laying you on his bed in there with the rest of the crew following in after, some standing and waiting and looking in the room from the doorway. They all stood there looking down at you in worry, and you could even see guilt in Sanji's eyes and you gave them all a small smile.

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