Possesive: Law X Reader

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This isn't my best story/writing, but i tried my best writing it, so I hope you all still enjoy it, I'm so sorry

You were hurting. But Law was not around, you couldn't find him, your own captain and doctor on the Straw Hats ship. So you decided to go and see Chopper about it, because you were in a lot of pain. But when you got to the little reindeer's office, he wasn't there either.

"Where is everyone?" You sighed when suddenly a voice came from behind you.

"Oh, (Y/N)! Did you need something?" The happy cheerful voice of Chopper said and you sighed in relief turning around to face him with a smile.

"Chopper, I was wondering if you had anything to help with pain? I'm hurting at the moment." You explained as he walked past you and to his desk putting his supplies down.

"Where does it hurt?" He curiously asked as he looked through all of his herbs and you froze, not wanting to answer. No one knew what was wrong with you except for your captain and your own personal doctor Law.

"Well, I would rather not say..." He said trailing off and Chopper looked at you confused.

"What do you mean? Is everything ok (Y/N)?" Chopper asked and you looked down and off to the side.

"I'm fine, I'm just in a little bit of pain...." You said and Chopper looked at you thinking before hesitatingly, giving you some pain medicine.

"Thank you Chopper." You said giving him a slight smile before walking away and out of the room, but when you did you bumped into a hard chest. Looking up, you almost dropped the medicine in shock when you see your unhappy captain standing in front of you looking down at you disapprovingly.

"Hi Law...." You said nervously and you gulped and gave a nervous smile.

"What were you doing?" Law asks angrily.

"Well I couldn't find you anywhere on the ship and my pains were coming back full force so I went to Chopper to get some help and get some medicine to pull me over." You said but Law just continued to glare at you.

"Did you tell him why, the reason why you needed it?" Law asked forcefully, you could tell he was holding his anger back, so you quickly shook your head.

"No, of course not." You said and Law sighed, his body relaxing slightly.

"Come on and I'll have a look." Law said and you nodded following after him. Law went into the crows nest hoping no one would go in there. After looking around and declaring it safe, Law had you sit down and take off your shirt, which you did, after quickly turning your back to him.

"Yep, they're bad again, they've come back" Law said, making your mood instantly shift. All over your body, there were red bumps and marks, almost like claw marks, everywhere. They were the repercussions for the smile fruit Doflamingo forcefully made you eat. That's also a reason why Law was not so very fond of you, because you had spent time with Doflamingo, but after finding out it was against your will and choice, Law softened on you a bit. There's also a reason why your called and nicknamed the Water Devil. Doflamingo had managed to create his actual own unique devil fruit, which he named the Water Devil, but it was only a prototype and he needed a test subject, and that test subject was you. That's why you had all the repercussions, because the name was no joke, the fruit was the powers of an actual water devil, and it wanted free, it wanted to escape from you. Law developed a medicine that can stop the repercussions, but it was still painful, so he also made one that could calm the devil down, even if it was only for a little while. Law turned away from you and you put your shirt back on, turning towards him as he turned around and stared at the medicine bottle you had placed on the bench.

"What's that?" He asked and you looked towards the bottle before looking back at him.

"It's just some pain medicine I asked Chopper for, to hold me over until I could find you." You explained to him, but he still seemed a little upset, softening a little towards you though. Law sighed as he turned back around and headed towards the hatch of the crows nest.

"Does it hurt that bad?" He asked and you nodded, even though he couldn't see it.

"Yes it does, and it seems angry as well." You explained and he sighed one last time before opening the hatch.

"Go ahead and take the medicine for now, I'll go make the other one, but later we're going to have a talk." Law said, almost threateningly in a way, before climbing down to the deck, you quickly following.


Not too long before dinner, Law called you to Choppers office, which he had asked to use for a while to make your medicine. But when you walked in, the lamps were all unlit which confused you. As you looked around you couldn't find anything or anyone, when suddenly you were pushed against the wall by a strong force, which made you freeze in place.

"You aren't allowed to go to any other doctor, I am your only doctor, so never go to the Straw Hats doctor again, do you understand." A rough serious voice said, which you instantly recognized as Law. You nodded before feeling two small bottles being placed in your hand before Law walked over to the door.

"Never go to any other doctor or person, your mine." You hear Law's rough voice say before he left, leaving you in the dark office alone in shock.

Bonus ending

You slide down the wall to the ground in shock and surprise when suddenly the door opened and Chopper came walking in and lighting all the lamps when he suddenly sees you sitting on the ground wide eyed, making his own eyes widen in surprise as he yells.

"AHAHAH!!! (Y/N)! Are you ok?!" Chopper exclaimed running over to you in panic and worry before running around in circles crazily.

"We need a doctor! Where's the doctor!!" He screams and you slightly smile as you look at him before remembering Law's words, almost like a threat and quickly stood up and smiled down at the shocked reindeer.

"I'm sorry Chopper, I'm fine don't worry, sorry to scare you and to disturb you, I'll leave now" You said before walking out of the office with Law's medicine quickly leaving behind the confused and shocked doctor.

One Piece x Reader One ShotsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα