The Scarf: Kid X Reader

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Day 7 out of who knows of the Halloween week(s) (probabaly going to be the last one)

"Good morning guys." You greeted with a smile as you walked into the dining hall where your whole crew were sitting. You were the only girl a part of the Kid Pirates. Kid seemed to take a close liking to you when you both had first met, so when you asked to join his crew, he quickly agreed, his crew not letting it go and always bugging him about it, easily making him mad, very quickly. Your three closest crewmembers, Killer, Wire, and Heat all looked up at you and gave you smiles and nods.

"Good morning (Y/N)" They greeted you almost in unison, making you smile and laugh, you took a seat between Killer and Heat and looked around.

"Where's the captain?" You asked and Killer nodded his head to the end of the table where an angry looking red head sat eating and you let out a small sigh and laugh.

"Were you guys teasing him again?" You asked and the others quickly shook their heads and you watched as Kids head whipped up at their movement and glared at them making you laugh.

"Well I think the captain says differently. Morning Captain Kid." You laughed in greeting and Kid just looked down as he grumbled. You filled your plate with food before moving the scarf around your neck so that it wasn't in the way for the time being and Killer looked at you.

"Hey (Y/N), I've been wondering for a while now, why do you always wear that scarf?" Killer asks, grabbing everyone else's attention in the room towards you two and he pointed at your blood stained scarf making your smile falter a little for a second, Kid not missing it as he raised a brow at you.

"I don't know, because I like it and never want to be parted with it, It's kinda like it's a part of me now I guess." You said with a shrug turning your attention back to your food.

"But it's so dirty! You never take it off for a single second, not to sleep, shower, to fight, actually always very protective and careful with it while fighting, so no one accidentally takes it off or anything, and you never take it off to wash it!" Heat exclaims, making everyone go quiet, Kid glares at him, your head snaps up towards him and your eyes widen in surprise as his friend Wire, sitting beside him speaks up.

"How do you know she doesn't take it off in the shower or bath?" Wire asked, slightly suggestive, you could see Kid getting angrier by the second as Heat blushed and shook his head waving his hands in front of his face saying it was a misunderstanding. When suddenly, you feel a presence slowly creep up behind you and you let a small smile form on your face before quickly getting up and in one swift move round house kicking the guy that was standing behind you with an outstretched hand, reaching for your scarf. He went flying and you stood up straight and looked in his direction as he groaned.

"Is it that time of the day already? Come on, I haven't even eaten yet, can't a girl eat first." You said in a fake groan as another guy came up to you.

"Shut up!" He said lunging forward towards your neck reaching for your scarf as you swiftly dodged and moved out of the way, making him fall into the table. You quickly grabbed a piece of toast and began eating it while dodge the advances towards you, your crewmembers getting increasingly upset, when suddenly, from behind, you ran into someone, jumping with wide eyes because you didn't feel their presence behind you at all, you look up to see Killer standing behind you.

"Oh come one, not you too Killer." You whined, slapping away his hands that reached for your neck before jumping back away from him, right into someone else, Heat this time. You smirked as you lifted a hand to his cheek and caressed it making his eyes go wide.

"So, did you enjoy your show while creeping on me in the show and bath." You said in a seductive voice and his face got bright red as you jumped back with a laugh as he yelled.

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