Soulmates...?: Niji X Reader (Part 2)

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Since a couple of you wanted a part two to this, here it is! And also, a big thanks again to my friend Keef_The_Pineapple for proof reading this for me! Now onto the story, I hope you all enjoy it!

 He didn't have me do much and didn't order me around as much as I thought he would, he never made me do anything too hard or that I didn't want, or anything too bad. His brothers always teased me, which he allowed to happen. Until one day, when one of them was starting to bully and hurt me and trying to order me around, but I wouldn't listen or do it which is what started it. Niji wasn't there or around as his brothers began to do this, he was out on a mission, which he was supposed to be coming back from the next day. It was late so there was no one else there or up, I was the only maid there and up, but I had special instructions that only allowed me to listen and obey Niji, so I couldn't help his brothers. But they weren't going to take that as an answer. They said they didn't care about my orders and that Niji wasn't there, so I had to listen to what they said because they were higher above me, and if I didn't listen to them, they would tell Niji to get rid of me, and I was pretty sure he would listen to them. Even so I wasn't going to go against the agreement I had made with Niji, even if it did make him fire and get rid of me. But me denying them even after that, and not even talking to them, made them get even angrier at me, and then they started to punch and kick me, beating me up, made enough to make bruises blossom all over my skin and body, and even made me start to bleed. Once they seemed satisfied, they walked away laughing together, seemingly going to sleep. I crawled to the maids quarters as fast and best as I could since they weren't too far. There was a maid waiting outside angrily, angry at me for being late to lights out and roll call, but as soon as she saw my state, her eyes widened and she ran over to me, panic and worry filling her expression.

"Oh my (Y/N)! Are you ok?! What happened to you?!" She asked worriedly as she tried to help me up and into the room and to my bed.

"I'm ok..." I whispered out and she looked at me worriedly before sighing and going over to get some medicine and stuff for me.

"Let me guess, it was Master Ichiji and Master Yonji?" She asked as she applied medicine and wrapping to my wounds, I didn't answer as I looked off to the side, which she easily caught on to.

"What did you do (Y/N)..." She whispered sadly to me, looking at me.

"I didn't do anything, I was just obeying Master Niji's orders..." I said looking down at my bruised arms and the maid sighed, putting the stuff away.

"(Y/N), Master Niji isn't here, he's on a mission, he can't do anything to you or help you... so why don't you just listen to the other masters?" She said coming back to me and holding my hands in hers and looking into my eyes worriedly.

"Because I'm Master Niji's personal maid and he gave me a specific order when I was first brought here." I said looking down at our hands and the maid sighed one more time before standing up and looking down at me with a shake of her head and let go of my hands.

"I'm worried about you (Y/N)..." She sighed out before walking away to also go to sleep.

-Next Morning-

I woke up with pain all over my body, no one else was up yet, so I started to get up to get ready to welcome Niji back, when suddenly one of the other maids woke up and ran over to me and pushed me back down onto my bed. That's when I noticed it was the same maid from last night.

"No way (Y/N) you're staying here and resting in bed today, I'll send someone else to replace you today." She said and my eyes widened as I shook my head and resisted.

"No way! I have to go and take care of Niji myself!" I said fiercely but the maid just glared at me as she roughly pushed me down on the bed making me hiss in pain as she covered me with the blanket again.

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