Soulmates...?: Niji X Reader

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In this world, we have what is called a string of fate that connects us with our soulmate.

But I've always been alone, my string seemingly going nowhere and bringing me nowhere, no matter how many times I have tried to follow it. My parents used to be so supportive with me towards this and we would move all over the world trying to follow my string and find my soulmate, but we never found them, we never got any closer. Eventually my parents got upset and mad, and they started treating me differently and we stopped moving around the world, saying they had got tired of it and couldn't handle it anymore. And since they gave up on me and my goal, I also gave up, I couldn't just continue to always chase after this string. I had to stop and focus on other things, like my future. But it was hard when I had no one and was alone. I didn't even have any friends, and I didn't even have the love and support from my parents any more, that I had before, so it was hard for me to do anything, since I had to do it all on my own and by myself. I've always dreamed of meeting my soulmate, but that dream has been crushed now, I've never met them before. Until one day when there was a sudden strong but light pull on the string, like they were telling me not to worry, they were still there. Every once and again, they would tug at the string, which reassured me, and helped me through the days, and even gave me a little hope once again. I don't know if that was their goal or not, but I know that that's what it did for me. When suddenly one day, I noticed the string getting shorter, a lot shorter, like it was getting brought closer together. Like we were getting closer together, which made me excited, but I tried to push it away, because I didn't want to get my hopes up too high, just to get them crushed again, for who knows how many times now.

I was walking close to the docks of my island, where I like to go to be alone. When suddenly a huge large ship approached the docks, and by the looks of it, the string led up and onto the ship, which confused me, but also made me excited, that could mean my soulmate was on that ship, but that also scared me. I also started to hesitate, because I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet them after all this time. That thought alone made my body quickly turn away from the ship and the docks, and start running away. I started running in the direction of my house, which was quite far away, but apparently someone on the ship noticed me running away and took up chase. They were much faster than I was, they quickly appeared right in front of me, halting me in my spot. He had blue hair, curly eyebrows, sunglasses type of glasses on, earmuffs with a spike and with the number 66 on them, blue clothes, a blue cape that had the large number 2 on the back of it, and he had these weird types of shoes on. And that's when I noticed it, the string attached to his finger, it was connected to mine. My eyes widened as he seemed to slightly glare down at me. He then also seemed to notice the string connecting our fingers, but he didn't react to it, except for a slightly surprised face, barely noticeable. I felt like I couldn't speak or move at all. I brought my arms up to my chest and hugged them tightly, which made me slightly cringe. All over my arms I had bruises scattered on them. I wasn't anyone's favorite at school and no one liked me, so I got bullied all the time and no one tried to stop it or help me. The male in front of me seemed to notice me cringe and looked at my arm, where his face quickly changed to one of anger when he saw the bruises on my arms. He quickly grabbed my arm harshly and brought it closer to his face to inspect it.

"Who did this to you?" He asked in a fierce strict, demanding superior voice. I was so surprised by the demand that I took a step back while staring up at him with my mouth slightly hanging open.

"Um...." Was all I could manage to get out and he creased his brows.

"Who did this to you? Because it wasn't me." He glared, slightly raising his voice making me slightly flinch.

"Some people at my school...." I whispered looking at the ground and I felt his grip on my arm slightly tighten making me grimace at the pain.

"Tell me who! Give me names." He demanded and I gulped looking off to the side.

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