Re-Wrote Friend Story: Zoro X Reader

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This is a rewrite of my friends Keef_The_Pineapple story that she asked me to do, if you guys havent read her original one first, i highly sugest you do, so you dont get confused and because its a good story, but other than that, I hope you all enjoy, and also, I just did this as a favor to my friend, so dont expect me to post very frequently yet again, i still working things out, but I do have another story on the way and in the works, im so sorry and hope you all can understand, bye!

My best friend wrote the original to this story but she asked me to do a type of re write of it for her, into a oneshot, some of it is the same and what she had done, but a few things i did change around, didn't want to change her story to much, it's actually a pretty good story, but I hope you all enjoy, I did my best on it and rewriting it, and trying to not change too much of the story.

Meet Again, and only crazy follows- Zoro X Reader

I knew Zoro from before. When we were younger, only just kids. We lived on the same island. He always came to help me train in my sword fighting techniques. My parents were always nice enough to pack us both a lunch box knowing we would get so caught up in practice we would forget to go home and eat. But in the end, at some point, Zoro stopped showing up, I went to look for him, but then I found out, he left without saying goodbye. I was so devastated. But then, I saw Zoro had a bounty. He was a pirate on the Straw Hat Pirates. I wanted to meet Zoro again so bad. I missed him. He was my best and only friend. I had 3 siblings. Emma, Lami, and Trafalgar Law. But our parents died in a fire, with Lami. ANd after that, the other three of us split off from each other. I stayed on the island with Law, but Emma left the island. Law and I didn't stay together long either. Law went off somewhere himself as well. I wandered the island not sure what to do. When I wandered over to the docks, there was a pirate ship docked. Although I couldn't tell whose ship it was because the flag wasn't visible. But there were people walking towards the ship, one I instantly recognized. My eyes widened as I stared at the green haired guy walking with a group of 4 other people. Him arguing with a blonde haired guy. I slightly stepped forward with my hand clutching at my chest.

"Zoro?" I whispered, but the man heard me and looked at me confused before his eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks.

"(Y/N)?" He asked and I nodded with a smile as I ran towards him

"It's really you! I can't believe it! It's so great to see you again! I can't believe you've finally come back! It's been so long!" I exclaimed jumping on him and giving him a hug as the the other people he was with looked on at us confused and in obvious shock and surprise.

"Uh..." My eyes widened again and I jumped off of him nervously.

"Oh sorry about that, guess you're still not a hugger huh? I don't know what came over me, I guess I was just so happy and excited to see you again after all these years, sorry." I said shyly when suddenly the blonde Zoro was arguing with before came up to me.

"Hello Mademoiselle, my name is Sanji." He said as he took my hand and kissed it.

"Oh, um, my names (Y/N), nice to meet you Sanji." I said with a smile as I gently took my hand back and backed away a few steps.

"Good going Sanji, you scared her." The only other female there said as she hit Sanji over the head and came over to me.

"Hi there, my name is Nami, the long nose over there is Ussop and the guy with the Straw Hat is Luffy." Nami said and my eyes widened in realization know that I've calmed down.

"You guys are the Straw Hat Pirates!" I exclaimed and Luffy jumped over to me with a huge smile on his face.

"Yep! And since your a friend of Zoro's, do you wanna join my crew?" He happily and naturally just asks and my eyes widened for a second in shock before I smiled.

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