Secret Pet: Straw Hats X Reader

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Requested by: Azureman136

"Island ahead!" Usopp yelled from the crows nest and everyone excitedly looked ahead at the island, except for you. You took one glance around at the island before going to the railing of the ship and looking over board and looking out and over the water, seeing a small ripple in the water, you nodded to yourself before turning around with a wide happy smile.

"Hey Sanji, could you do me a favor?" You asked sweetly and Sanji's eyes widened with hearts in them as he did his dance over to you and everyone else looked on with confusion.

"Could you make me another large meat lunch?" You asked nicely and Sanji continued to do his dance with heart eyes.

"Of course mademoiselle~" He sang out with a smile as he made his way to the kitchen and Luffy's eyes widened as he ran after Sanji.

"Sanji, Sanji! Make me one as well!" He called after him.

"Make your own!" Sanji yelled, kicking Luffy out of the room and he sat on the ground with crossed arms and pouting and you slightly laughed at his antics. But Nami and Robin walked over to you confused and curious on why you always acted weirdly like that and asked for meat whenever you all stopped at an island.

"Hey (Y/N), whats up? Are you hiding something from us or what?" Nami asked and you looked at her with slightly widened eyes and a small sweat drop.

"Uh, what do you mean?" You asked her with a confused face and a forced smile.

"Well, you always act weird when we stop at an island and you always ask Sanji for the same thing every time." She said and you realized what she meant and gave her a small laugh and shook your head with a smile, still slightly sweating though.

"Oh, no, that's nothing, I just love to take it and go and enjoy a small picnic while overseeing the ocean by myself whenever we go to an island. It's sorta like a sentimental, nostalgic, emotional thing I like to do, since that's what I always did on my home island before I met you guys." You said as the memories flashed before you and a small sad smile formed on your face. Nami stared at you suspiciously before sighing.

"If you say so, as long as you're not in trouble and aren't causing any like a certain someone." Nami said, glancing and glaring at Luffy, who was now at the front of the ship with a wide smile looking at the island you were all now docking at. You and Robin slightly giggled, before Robin looked at you knowingly, which slightly scared you, since she was quite observant and somehow always knew everything. When suddenly Sanji came dancing out of the kitchen and towards you.

"(Y/N)-Swan~" He sang and gave you a giant bag full of meat and you smiled.

"Thank you Sanji!" You exclaimed, taking the bag and quickly giving him a hug, making him collapse and all focus going to him as you quickly jumped off the ship and started running away, but you didn't get unnoticed by your captain.

"Wait! (Y/N)! I'm coming too!" He exclaimed jumping off as well, making your eyes widen and run faster as the rest of the crew yelled after the both of you and followed suit. It took you a lot longer than you expected to lose Luffy, he was very stubborn. But you quickly made it to the edge of the island just in time to look over the sea. There was a giant splash and you looked out towards it with a wide soft happy smile.


It's been a few weeks since the last time you were all on an island and Chopper noticed that you looked worried, but whenever the little reindeer doctor tried to ask you about it, you just smiled and shook it off before walking away. The whole crew would actually always catch you looking over the railing of the ship and looking into the sea, everyday, some would even wake up in the night and hear you talking out to the sea, which confused them and made them worry even more about you. Nami and Robin both agreed to get the whole crew except for you together to have a meeting, they secretly gathered all of the other crew mates and all sat around the kitchen table while Sanji was cooking and you were outside by the railing once again looking over the sea. The crew all sat in silence for a few minutes before Chopper spoke up.

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