Somebody is making moves...not us

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"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."

Arthur Conan Doyle


Detective Andre Childs🕵🏽‍♂️

I been sitting here thinking to myself....

"How everything went down in twenty sixteen;Hakeem was a good dude, cool and all...I just wish I could've seen the future maybe would've helped him out but now I can only help him by closing his case and helping his family cope with it."

So that's what I'm doing looking back through evidence before court Monday because even though nobody has faith in me right now I never folded up and stoppped so I got up and
went to the station trying to find out what else was going on when I walked through the door and my ringed

"Wassup?" I said peeking into Chiefs office and he wasn't there

"I been callin' you." Keshaun said as Andre looked around

"Hold on." I told Keshaun

"Where did Chief go?" I asked a officer standing in the break room

"He got an emergency call from the prison." He replied

"An emergency call for what?"I asked

"Something about a woman." He responded and I booked to front door

"Keshaun I have to call you back."

"I need to talk to Nashaé." Keshaun said as Andre was getting back in the car

"No, what did I tell you stop talking to her do what I ask; I'll call you back."

Andre hung up, threw his phone in the passenger seat, cranked the car up and hauled ass to the prison


"What is so important that it couldn't wait til after I ate?" DeMarco said yawning when he seen The Chief and his lawyer standing up the guard sat Demarco down and took the cuffs off he didn't feel right

"Is there a problem?" Demarco asked when his lawyer looked shooked as he slid papers across the table to him

DeMarco looked at the papers then really started to read it as his eyes got big he slapped the papers off the table


He said rubbing his head and pasting the floor "When did she write this bullshit!?"

"Two hours ago." The lawyer answered as The Chief just observed not saying anything

"She wrote this shit at two a.m and I'm just now finding out what the fuck kind of lawyer are you!?"DeMarco asked pulling on his suit when a cop came in when The Chief waved him off

"Mr.Jones even if he would've brought it in right away in it was nothing he or I could've did." The Chief said as DeMarco looked at Chief then back at his lawyer

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