The Message pt2

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(To Be Continued...)

I don't think people understand how stressful it is to explain what's going on in your head when you don't even understand it yourself.💔🥺🙇🏽‍♀️

Chapter 13

Part 2

Nashaé still couldn't see so she turned on her phone light and started to wave it around she started walking when she stepped on some glass she put the light on it it was a picture frame she was about to go from the picture when Marshawn gasped

"What the fuck did we just walk into?" Marshawn said

Nashaé got up from the floor and went over to Marshawn

Nashaé looked at what Marshawn was staring it was dry blood on the wall that read "You were unsure which pain is worse the shock of what happened or the ache for what never will."

When out of nowhere Nashaé started hyperventilating

Marshawn called her name but her mind was gone only thing she could think of was Hakeem being dead she fell on her knees holding her chest breathing faster

"Breathe." Marshawn said

"I want to leave." She said

Marshawn helped her to her feet and they left as they were driving she hit his shoulder

"Pull over."

Marshawn pulled over and Shaé ran to the pushes and started to puke; Marshawn went over and sat by her

"What were you hoping to find at the house?" He asked; Shaé looked at him then at the sky with tears running down her face

"Answers." She said

"To what?" He asked

"Honestly, I don't know; it's feels like lately where ever my body wants to go I go I don't question it but tonight my brother pulled me here."

"The one who died?" He asked; Shaé nodded and wiped her nose "I was sleeping and I don't know whether to call it a nightmare or a dream but I know it wasn't real but it felt real." Na'Shaé said

"What happened?" He asked

"I was in a house with a wet, creaky floor and a drippy ceiling I had this urge to take a look around when I heard a mans voice he was sad and talking to me and when I got there it my brother." She said crying

Marshawn felt her pain from sitting next to her so he grabbed and hugged her "My life is falling apart before my eyes." She said

"I just want to know what happened to him." Shaé said

"I know it's hard and my not going to say I know exactly what you going through but I get it I lost close homies that I consider family you may never get over but I get the message so I stand on all ten and fight through it." Marshawn said

"Come on its getting late." He looks at her as she was in a different world

"I don't want to go back to my house." She said and Marshawn nodded

They got to Marshawn's place and few people were outside talking "Whats up y'all?" Marshawn said opening the screen door

"Hey Shaé."

A girl said giving her hug while leaving out the house as some others just didn't speak only looked at her funny

"Problem?"Marshawn asked as Shaé noticed it was the same girls from last time that mugged her

A woman that was sitting on the couch she rolled her eyes while drinking her beer

Marshawn grabbed Shaé's hand; led her to the room he let's her in first then she took her shoes off, crawled in the bed, laid and faced the wall

He turned the lights off, opened the window, shut his door then laid in bed next to Shaé while looking at the ceiling

"Why him?"He asked

Shaé turned over "Huh?" She said

"KéShaun why you putting up with that?" He asked "We went over this." She said

"I'm just saying you already having problems but yet you letting him add on it when somebody suppose taking your pain away or at least helping you through it." Marshawn said

"What are you saying?" Shaé asked

"Nothing." Marshawn dusted the question off

Shaé got out the bed to turn on the light and stood there looking at Marshawn

"Are you jealous?" She asked when Marshawn smacked his teeth "I ain't jealous about shit, envy yeah but never jealous he doesn't have what we have."

Shaé knew what Marshawn was doing so she started to play along "What makes you think you're any better than he is; he lied but you lied too when I ask you about Alexis you told a big lie that made the bitch want to smash my head in so what's the difference!?" Shaé said

"This difference is that you're here with me, you called me for help instead of the nigga you claim to love and fucking." Marshawn said in her face

"Tell me why are you acting like this and tell me the truth."She said when Marshawn ignored her and walked to his nightstand and lit up a blunt

"Are you going to tell me why are you acting like this cause if not I can go home." Shaé said; Marshawn said nothing and Shaé started putting on her shoes on

"I don't get why girls have a good guy right in front of their eyes that gives and shows them love but yet still chooses a lame ass nigga." Marshawn said

"You right my choices are fucked up but their mine and I was hoping you were my friend but guess I was wrong."Na'Shaé said crying then tried to open the door but Marshawn stopped the door from opening

"Look, I'm sorry for coming at you like that it was on my chest and I had to at least try to-.."
Marshawn said then Shaé cut him off

"To persuade me to leave him by saying I'm dumb?"Shaé said

"I'm sorry." Marshawn said

"Yeah me too." She said opening the door and started walking home while looking through her first poem notebook about Hakeem

Shaé got home around twelve in the morning she snuck back in from the window

She undressed, unlocked the room door and went to her parents room, opened their door slowly they were still sleeping

So Shaé pulled out her phone and called the number that texted her but didn't hear her dads phone in the room and knew something was wrong.

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