Not Today Bitch pt2

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{Continued Chapter 1}

• Chapter 1 •


Me and Ember had first lunch and Kami had second lunch; we were sitting down eating when these bitches walked in the lunchroom and everybody looked at them and us

"These bitches think we pussy." Ember said

"Em stop I don't want to fight I have a test coming up." I told her then she put her hands up

"Fine." She said letting it go when Alexis got up and walked over to us with Chloé

I grabbed Embers arm but she snatched away from me and stood in Alexis face so I got up right behind Ember

"Move you musty bitch." Chloé said to Ember as she was standing face to face with Alexis then looked at Chloé

"Make me." Ember said then I pulled Ember back from them when

"Hows our family doing!?" Alexis said when the lunchroom got quiet as me and Ember turned to her

I walked up to her face "Who's family?" I asked daring this bitch to say it again as Chloé laughed and Alexis started grinning in my face

"Our family." She said again when Ember came behind me

"Let me stomp this bitch bruh."Ember said as me and Alexis was still looking at each other

"I knew exactly what Alexis was doing trying to get under my skin but I wasn't about her on this bitch level." I thought so I did exactly that pushed Ember back and we grabbed our trays and began to walk

"When I said our family I was talking about Hakeem I miss riding his face I wish he never got his dumbass killed but its what he deserved because he wasn't shit like the rest of his family!" She said laughing and I heard some people laughing and me and Ember blacked the fuck out

I just started swinging on Alexis when Chloé pushed me making me slip while still fighting this bitch on one knee when I heard people yelled

"They jumping her!" So me and Alexis stopped and I seen it was Ember getting jumped so I started to fight Alexis even harder until this bitch started to fold up

I got my ass up and grabbed Chloé ass and let Ember fuck up Brooke since she wanted to hop in shit all of a sudden when I me and Chloé was fighting head to head I feel somebody pull me by my hair to the ground it was Alexis

Her and Chloé was stomping me out and kicking me everywhere where when teachers and students finally broke it up then put us all in handcuffs and took us to the Principal office

They called our parents and Kami was blowing up my phone calling and texting

I want that bitch head

You not fighting so calm your ass down and finish your work

Yea💁🏽‍♀️ wateva I would've been eatin' I seen the video bitch was way outta pocket

I should've kept walking tho

Keep walkin'👀 am I still texting the right person?

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