Dismembering Christmas

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Christmas Day 2016 1:31am

Nashaé was tossing and turning in her sleep every since 9 she was having a nightmare

Nashaé's Dream

Nashaé was walking in the woods it was cold she had blood all over her body just in a red dress no shoes just red lipstick with curly brown hair crying and screaming


But no one would answer until she tripped on wood sticking out the snow and she saw...


Hakeem: Just listen to me I've always told you to pay attention and now the time has come to...I need you to finish this its going to take a lot but whatever you do know who's on your side and who isn't you will be able to feel it and most importantly you will know it.... don't trust the past...the future will have answers and when the job is done I'll let you know...

They heard footsteps coming Hakeem and Nashaé looked into the same direction holding hands Nashaé is crying

Nashaé:Hakeem what's going on,who-

Hakeem cut her off

Hakeem:Shhhh...its time sis they're here we don't have much time listen to me the things I've taught you come into play now....get up and fight love you stay strong you're a Jones

He said helping Nashaé up and giving her kiss but she heard footsteps again


She said breaking down crying til she heard footsteps again but she woke up

When Nashaé woke up she was sweaty then Ember ran her room putting on a jacket with her gun

Ember:People are in the the house I'm about to wake up kami
Nashaé heard a chair downstairs move so she was alarmed because of what Hakeem said her dream so she grabbed her gun from under the bed,and her jacket that was on the door knob and started walking towards went to the staircase and seen three guys moving towards the bottom stairs with guns so she ran to Kami's room and shut the door calling Detective Childs as Kami was dressed and they was pointing guns at the door and put them down once they seen it was just Shaé

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