The Winter Stories Part 2

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Shaé put everything back in Cassie's purse and put it back and typed in the four numbers and it work and she didn't have to do much because the phone was already on the text and with the name she sees they was talking about made Shaé shocked and pissed at the sametime she was trying to keep it together when she heared footsteps so she hurried and put the phone down and finished writing her days off when Cassie walked in

Cassie:How's it going

Nashaé:Fine just about done I um put in some days for January if that's OK.She said as tears was forming in her eyes and a shaky voice

Cassie:That's fine.She said waving her hand like it wasn't a problem

Nashaé: OK annnd done.She said standing up walking pass Cassie trying not to let her see the tears run down her face

Cassie:OK see you Monday morning

Nashaé: Alright bye

Nashaé leaves the office and out the door of the restaurant and into the car

Nashaé: Aye um Im going to take you to your house I got to do something I'll be back to get OK.She said speeding off as Ember looked at her cause Nashaé had tears in her eyes but she didn't want to bother asking what happen

Ember:Alright I need some rest anyway

Shae drops off Ember at home and sped off and heads to the house her and Marshawn broke into so when she gets near the house it was around 4:30 so she parked on the back street behind the house when she got out went to the trunk and put gloves on and checked to see if her gun was on safe it was so she leaned down and lifted the trunk rug to get the house key and shut the trunk and as she jumped over the fence she was walking towards the door turning her phone on vibrate then she opened the slide door of the kitchen with her gun in her hand and shutting and locking it behind her she got further in the house when she rolled her eyes and seen that the picture she was about to pick up last time, she turns it over it had dry blood on the picture she looked shook when she looked

Shae drops off Ember at home and sped off and heads to the house her and Marshawn broke into so when she gets near the house it was around 4:30 so she parked on the back street behind the house when she got out went to the trunk and put gloves on ...

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The picture was of Hakeem and a friend she sat down and thought how and what went wrong with her older brother he was so little and innocent she took a deep breather got up and put the photo in the bag and walked around the living room and seen the bloody message was still there so she took a picture of it on her phone and notice the living room had pictures of Hakeem and Kim and the whole family except for Kims family it made her feel even sadder so she grabbed her bag off the floor and went upstairs she looked at the room door and opened it with her gun,she sees its really junky like somebody ram sacked it so she left the door opened and started looking and found a familiar bookbag with a picture in it and some clothes

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