Small World

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Listen to what people don't say.


Chapter 7 

Part 1🌾

Kami was in the mirror putting her bra on when Shaé was face-timing her

"What's up?" Kami answered

"Nothing much." Shaé replied seeing a person sitting on the bed

"Is that a nigga!?" She said quenching her eyes then the dude got up pulling up his pants

"Kami, what the fuck!" Shaé yelled when he put something in the trash

"Did you just fuck him in the house!?" She asked when Kami eyes got big

"Excuse you, did you just fuck my sister!?" Shaé said

"What's your name!?" She yelled as the guy came over smiling

"Quan." He said

"Quan did you just-..." Shaé said when a knock was at the door "Yes!" Kami answered

"Tell Quan the foods ready!" Melody yelled through the door

"They know he's up there with the door open?" Shaé asked as Kami rolled her eyes

"What did you want Shaé?" Kami asked

"I call to ask you if you wanted to come with us to the game yard." Shaé said with her arms folded

"Us who?" Kami asked

"KéShaun, Jaceon , me and Ember." She replied

"Yeah only if I can bring Quan." Kami said smiling

"Mmmhm yeah he can come but I can't promise he leaving with you." Shaé said

"Byeee." Kami said laughing and hanging up on Shaé when she got text

Big Sis💕
Hang up on me again bitch & Be ready @ 8

Kami laughed at the text when Quan pushed her head "What?" She said

"Is she gone be like your daddy?" Quan asked

"Yep but you'll be able to talk to her unlike my daddy he doesn't like you at all." Kami said

Quan shook his head as left out the room; Kami rolled her eyes , sighed and followed him downstairs

Meanwhile back at Késhaun house Na'Shaé  was sitting in the kitchen thinking about how her parents let Kami do anything she wants but be on her ass all the time

As Na'Shaé wiped her eyes the front open and shut "Wassup." KéShaun said walking in with groceries

Shaé didn't respond just kept looking at her phone "You still not speaking to me?" He asked

"Me and the girls was suppose to go out tonight  but Ember suggested we take you and Jaceon and my sister taking a friend."

She said ignoring her question when KéShaun stopped what he was doing and walked towards the table leaning on the chair

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