Not Today Bitch pt1

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• Chapter 1 •

Aug• 08 • 2016

{ Nashaé Jones Pov } 🖤

The alarm clock was going off as I tossed and turned pulling the covers over my head when I hear my momma yelling from down the stairs


I rolled my eyes and stopped the clock

I got out the bed stretching and yawning walking to the bathroom in my room

"Damn another day of school. I wonder what does it have plan for me today." I thought while brushing my teeth

Twenty-three minutes later I was dressed and ready to go when cousin Ember text me

Hoe wya?🙄

We coming bitch damn😒

Hurry up!!!

So you mad, rushing & yelling oh ok🧐

Man why you wanna play💀

Lmfaooo we otw🤣

I put the phone down still laughing when my momma yelled my name again


"I'M COMING!" I yelled back

"WHO YOU YELLING AT!?" She asked

"I -

I didn't even finish my sentence I just got my stuff and ran downstairs

When I got downstairs my momma was putting on her work jacket and Kami was on the couch watching t.v

"We about to leave for work." She said as my dad was coming from upstairs he didn't look at me but he gave Kami a kiss and my momma a kiss and walked out the door right pass me

My momma and Kami looked at me I shrugged it off cause I didn't care for him like he didn't care for me

As I was about to walk to the kitchen my momma pulled my arm

"Y'all better not be late again like y'all was friday and behave especially you Shaé, you can't be getting in trouble you have to graduate this year." She said then Kami laughed

Once Kami realize nobody was laughing with her she turned around in the couch and my momma put her hand on her hip

"I'm talking to you too don't be following your sister around thinking you grown."

"I hear you." Kami responded as momma walked out the door and Kami went to lock it behind her

"Don't lock it we about to leave." I said grabbing my phone when Kami looked at the time on her phone

"Girl it's early as fuck."

"We about to meet Em at her house." I told her walking towards her

"All them niggas be on that block." Kami said

"You can stay here and wait on the bus or you can ride with me to get Ember." I said smiling

"I can't stand yo dumbass." She said opening the door and walking out

"Well momma did say stop following me." I said laughing when I dropped my phone then looked up and seen my brother's picture

"I wish you were here." I thought then kissed his picture and left

Me and Kami drove to Em's house; she lived five blocks away from us

Where she lived was that bad part of the area and it got worst when my brother and his fiancé died last year the police have yet closed the case

We pulled up to Embers house and some grown ass men were there by the porch I was nervous walking pass them group of men

"Y'all ready?" Ember asked coming out the door when I seen a darkskin man talking to my Uncle Malik

"Did they say something to y'all?" Ember said pointing to the boys

"No." Kami replied

"Was they suppose to?" I asked while pulling off

"No they was just out there to long but anyways y'all don't look ready to fight." She said

"Fight for what?" Kami replied

"Y'all don't remember them bitches trying to pop off Friday?" Ember said laughing

"Girl, we always ready but til they come up fuck them." I said

After a eighteen minute ride we was at school it was 7:10am and the school bell ringed as we started to run to the front door before the tardy bell for 1st period ringed

Finally, four periods went by and it's lunch time people was asking about the altercation between me, Kami and Ember against the school hoes that happened Friday

Me and Ember had first lunch and Kami had second lunch; we were sitting down eating when these bitches walked in the lunchroom and everybody looked at them and us.....

I Caught A Thugs EyeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя