Thanks Again.

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Even on bad terms I show up.

Chapter 23

NaShaé made it back down after cleaning herself up; it was one more lady to go but they called her and the lady to the back.

They checked Shaé's height and weight then sat her in the room the finish filling out her paperwork.

It's been at least twenty minutes Shaé's been sitting then there was a knock on the door.

"Hellooo." The doctor said smiling hard as hell that it made Shaé giggle.

"Hey." Shaé said as she handed the clipboard to him as her nurse came back in.

"Okay I'm Doctor Bradshaw and how are you doing Ms.Jones?" He said as the shook hands.

"I was cut by something a couple of days ago and I've tried to clean it but it keeps bleeding and it gives me pain like my cycle is on." Shaé explain

"Let me see it the wound." He said as she lifted up her shirt as the doctor and the nurse moved in so they could see.

They seen that she wrapped it so the doctor put on some gloves and slowly removed the bandage as Shaé squeezed her eyes tightly while gripping the bed.

Bradshaw tried hold her arm up to look at the waist a bit more but Shaé screamed and laid back on the bed crying instantly.

"Your arm hurts too?" The doctor asked

"I punched my mirror." Shaé admitted when the Doctor and the nurse looked at eachother

"Okay from what I can tell about the cut it's not deep and whatever you got cut by isn't in there and you're gonna need stitches then will rewrap it shouldn't take there." Bradshaw said

"Okay." Shaé replied

"And the were going to take an X-ray on your arm to see what damages you have in that arm so is your parents here?" The nurse asked

"They need to sign something?" Shaé assumed

"Yeah they went back to the car I'll call one up." Shaé said

"Okay I'll leave this here for them and we'll be back to stitch you up." The Doctor said as the nurse and him left.

The nurse shut the door and looked at the doctor "She got cut but never said by what and she punched a mirror." The nurse said

"Yeah she reported just the cut not the arm; weird." He replied

"What do we do?" She asked

"Make a report of it put in her file then when her parents come up question them while we stitch her up and then we'll look at her arm all together." Bradshaw said

"Alright." She said and they went their own ways; Shaé rolled her eyes as she heard them talking about her then grabbed her phone and called Ember.

"Yeah?" Ember said

"Can you please get Jaceon up here to sign my papers for me they want to talk to a parent they'll know if I signed the papers myself because I signed in by myself." Shaé begged

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