Big Moves

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|8:49 pm|

Kami POV

I was sitting cheering with the other girls when Andre showed up he didn't see Késhaun but Késhaun saw him come in and shook his head, the score was 67-60 and the clock was running out with 32.6 seconds in the fourth quarter he stood by the door as Jaz had the ball she tried to pass it to Shaé but the a girl pushed Shaé to the ground and Shaé got in her face the audience stood up and the refs ran over blowing their whistle they called a foul on the girl and gave Shae's team the ball back and Shaé ran the time out and Shaé looked so happy her first win back everybody was so happy cheering for our first home win I knew Shaé needed this after everything that has happen,Marshawn came off the bleachers and gave Shaé a hug when I looked and Késhaun and his boys got up and left but I thought to myself who cares let her be happy and ran to congratulate her and the team

Next Day

|7:39 am|

Alright now repeat the plan to me.Bennett said looking in his review mirror before turning

Her name is Kami ,her boyfriend was killed and you need me to find out what else she and her family knows from the inside. Bennett laughed and clapped his hands

Good?Noah asked

Yeah.Bennett smiled as he pulled up to the school Noah got out the car

Don't pry okay?He said as Noah was grabbing his book bag

Yeah alright.

Don't let me down,call or text me just not around her okay?

Alright see ya pops.He said shutting the door and running in the building as Bennett was pulling off then his phone ringed he pressed his ear piece


Why didn't you tell me about you finding DeAngelo?Andre screamed through the phone hurting Bennett's ear

Andre why are you yelling!Bennett screams back

Don't gave me and my department three months to get a lead-

He said as Bennett cut him off with his

You're right but come on be realistic three months to solve what exactly you haven't made any big moves yet for Quan's murder or the memorial shooting to many bodies not enough of arrest so I got to do something about it.

You talking like you making moves?Andre said

Matter a fact yeah I just made one and about to make another one...a big move stay toon by the end of the day I'll get exactly what I need because like I told you my team was helping you with the case since it started but you just never put things together and I'm not about to carry this into another summer it ends now bye.


Kami and Nashaé pulled up to the school ,got out when Kami got a text from Keisha she rolled her eyes when the they heard the bell they took off running with the other kids in the hall way Shaé went her way as did Kami but as she was running full speed when a boy came out of nowhere and ran into her they both fell right along with their stuff Kami was feeling her chest and the boy got up went to help her up

You okay, my bad.He said reaching for her hand to pull her up Kami pulled away and the boy didn't know what to do after that but just started to pick his stuff up as Kami got up and went to class he was looking at her run but then he heard a vibration on the floor and realize that she lefted her phone but she had already disappeared so he just put it in his pocket ,Kami made it to class and sneaked in with another student while the teacher was writing on the board

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