Handle your business

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Sunday January 1,2017 11am

DeAngelo: Dad I been handle it but it hasn't been no word about it here yet I got eyes everywhere

That's my boy his daddy said

DeAngelo: Talk talk to you soon
Chief:Does anybody know where questioning tapes at from the past three weeks are?He yelled out the others officers from his office door but everybody said no and shook their head he went in his office closed the door and typed her name again in statements but only two came up and not three he slammed his hands on his desk

Chief:Fuck!He said looking at the phone and the looked at his computer the looked up her number then called her but her phone was off the hook he hung up the phone and walked quickly out his office and pointed at five guys

Chief:You,you,the two of you and you come with me.He said walking towards the door as the officers followed him

Nashaé:Can I come in?

Andre:Why you here?

Nashaé: I'm here because I want to know the night before the hearing we were in your bed talking about almost kissing eachother and you said"That's the point I didn't-"what were you about to say before your Chief came over

Andre:Shaé what was about to come out my mouth Is that-His phone ringed he was looking at Nashaé as he answered the phone

Chief: Come to Brittany's apartment

Andre:Ok why?

Chief:Shes dead

Andre:I'm on the way

Chief: Have you talk to Nashaé yet

Andre:I'm trying to

Chief: She's there


Chief:Ok well listen to me tell her to be at her parents house in two hours with all of the information she has you to cause after I see you here I'm going to go to Shaé's mother house we can't wait for somebody else to die.

Andre:Alright see you in a bit

Andre: See ya.They hang up and Nashaé was swinging her legs in the high chair drinking her coffee

Shaé: So who was that

Andre:Shaé do you remember everything we talked about after the hearing

Shaé:You mean when you yelled at me about myself centered actions getting everybody killed yeah and I just sat there yeah how can I forget.

Andre:Ok well what I'm about to say is coming from that so about the kiss I know that's not the only reason you came to me so why else are you here for Shaé tell me the truth

Shaé:See you at my mommas house later

Andre:What's the third reason

Andre:I thought I said we'd keep in touch

DeMarco:Change of plans and well we don't trust you

DeMarco:Did we interrupt something?


DeMarco: Then why the fuck is my daughter here

Andre: You ask her.He said slamming his door shut and walking to sit on the edge of sofa arm

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