More Red Than Green This Christmas

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Kami was running for hours crying in the cold air not thinking about anyone but Quan or even the snow beneath her feet slowing her down she just needed to be around people that knew Quan like she did,Kami came up to this house crying and knocking on the door

Kami: Mrs.Davis!Mr.Davis! It's Mimi!She yelled knocking on the door trying to look in the windows until the door opened

Mr:Davis:Kami.Their eyes meet,Kami ran into his arms and they both cried

Kami:I'm so sorry!She cried as Mrs.Davis appeared and rubbed Kami's back when Mr.Davis let her go and Kami went to give her a hug while Mr.Davis aren't in side

Mrs.Davis:It will all be Ok now come inside you're freezing you hungry?She asked Kami nodded as Mrs.Davis was fighting back tears as she was patting Kami on her back she let her in and closed the door and sighed

Holding Cell Police Station
The ladies were in a cell together sitting on the floor when Denise finally brought up what they seen this morning again

Denise:He didn't deserve this he was a good kid just imagine how Mimi must be right now.She said shaking her head

Melody:I wish I could be there for her she needs me right now.she said looking up at the ceiling as Sasha looked at them stupid and rolled her eyes and scoffs

Sasha:She doesn't need you she has your other dumbass daughter who doesn't know what loyalty is.She said getting up as Melody did also and got in her face but Denise got between them

Denise: Sasha really not right now...She said as Mel pushed her hands from off her and got in Sasha's grill

Melody:If you got balls say that shit again bitch.She said as both of them were having a stare down

Sasha:Mel you heard some truth that your daughter the trouble maker Nashaé doesn't know what loyalty is or by the looks of it what it looks like.

Melody: No she does that why were in a cage she is being loyal to Hakeem.

Sasha:Fuck him.

Melody: Bitch what your mouth.

Sasha:Or what?Melody looked at her up down and laughed then walked to sit back down and Sasha laughed

Sasha: That's what I thought.She said then Denise slapped her arm

Denise:What's your problem Sasha?

Sasha:My problem? Wow!She laughed out loud then looked at Denise

Sasha: Not just my problem Denise, its all our problem because DeMarco and Melody's problem child.She said pointing at Mel as she paid her no mind

Denise: Chill.

Sasha:All these years after running, covering, lying, working, fighting, doing what we had to do keeping everything that can hurt us in a long run away from the things and things we loved but yet we still end up behind these bars and soon behind walls once the trial comes because I sure the judge won't grant bail after all we did so to them we are a flight risk cause with DeMarco,Malik out there and Sly with Késhaun there's no chance in hell we making bail.

Denise:You do know we are here because they think we killed Hakeem.

Sasha:Well didn't we?Melody turned to Denise and looked at Sasha

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