i still revolve around you without a name

Start from the beginning

"i want to go see them, since i don't remember what they look like," jitae request, jungkook unable to help but notice that his tone was a lot more reserved than he was used to which just made him worry.

"yes, of course we can," jungkook smiles, "actually i wanted to talk to you about them." jungkook puts his fork down and leans back in his chair. jitae nods to get jungkook to begin speaking. "i have to go back to work tomorrow, if you want to start working again soon, the company we both work for has said you can start again anytime this month or you'll have to find new job somewhere," jungkook starts, "but until you want to go back to work, i was wondering whether you'd want to stay at your parents while i'm at work."

"oh..." jitae thought a moment, "yeah, that sounds good. what did i do before anyway?" jungkook grinned.

"you were a stylist at an entertainment company, i work there too, i am a choreographer," jungkook leans forward a little and picks his fork back up to eat more. jitae nods.

"right," is all jitae says, looking around a little bit, bored. jungkook's eyes trail him up and down.

"do you want to go get ready to go, brush your teeth and stuff?" jungkook suggests. jitae nods.

"that's a good idea actually, yeah," jitae says with a nod, standing and heading to the bathroom. jungkook chuckles and finishes his food before going and also getting ready. by ten am they were on their way out and by eleven they were at jitae's parent's house.

jitae knocked, everything feeling very, very unfamiliar and it saddened him he had no memories of this house, or memories at all he supposed.

the door quickly opened, a man standing there he smiles greatly.

"jitae, son, it's great to see you," the man says, "i'm your appa, your eomma's inside and will be very happy to see you." the man offers his hand to shake, jitae takes it wondering whether that was normal or if he was just being cautious of his mental state.

"i'm sorry i don't remember you, appa," jitae says kindly, stepping inside. jitae's father give jungkook a hug greeting before he answers.

"don't be sorry, son, with what jungkook has told us we are lucky to still have you," jitae's father beams. the three of them head inside to find jitae's mother and a labrador in the living room. jitae's mother stands and wastes no time pulling jitae into a big hug.

"jitae, i'm so glad to see you! are you okay? are you hungry? thirsty?" jitae's mother asks hurriedly not letting him go even as he replied with a sad smile.

"i'm okay, jungkook and i ate before we came," jitae says. jitae's mother finally letting go and looking him over. jitae looks her over also, memorizing what she looked like. his thoughts were interrupted when a dog nose hit his leg, pulling his eyes to the golden-haired canine that was around his feet, tail wagging.

"her name's kiku, she's getting a little old but we've had her since she was a puppy," jitae's mother explained, "actually, you named her." jitae knelt down to put the dog, her head between his hands as he greeted her. jitae's mother greeted jungkook while jitae was with kiku, who also quickly greeted jungkook.

they soon sat down and began talking, jungkook sharing about what they had done when in busan before jitae went missing.

"that morning we were going to go to this cafe jitae had spotted for breakfast, we had wandered past it the day before but we had already eaten," jungkook explains. jitae tried with everything he had to remember but nothing came, not even an emotion, no sounds, smells, pictures, nothing. he just listened to what jungkook was saying and while jitae's parents beamed, jitae frowned, and that frown was noticed rather quickly.

"jitae, sweetie, everything okay?" jitae's mother asks him kindly. he looks to her and nods.

"yeah, everything's good. i just don't remember any of this," his says, giving a gesture toward jungkook to specify what he was upset about not remembering. jungkook smiled kindly looked to jitae to give comfort if he needed. jitae met his gaze and after a moment he stood. "i... i need to go outside a moment."

jitae heads out the back door to the small yard and sits on the step, closing the door behind him. he thanked that the door was patterned glass that you couldn't see through. jitae rested his face in his hands and sat there a moment. he felt utterly useless. he had grown up here, played in this yard as a child, loved the three people that were inside, made memories with them and now they were all gone. he felt nothing for any of them, not really, he had nothing to go of beside stories others had told him. he was listening to his life that he should know but he felt like he was an outsider. it hurt. it really hurt.

"jitae," a soft, feminine voice spoke from behind him. he hadn't even heard the door open. jitae's mother sat beside him and looked at him with a sorrowful expression. "i can only imagine how hard this is for you, just know you can always speak up okay son?" she says. jitae looked at her.

"i don't know you," he says, "i don't know appa, i don't know jungkook, i know no one. i don't even know myself. i hear stories and..." jitae stops, curling up small and hiding. jitae's mother places a hand on his back to sooth him.

"we know you don't know us well right now, but your memories will come back and then you will know us as well as you did," she says.

"what if they don't come back?" that was jitae's one fear right now. what if he could never remember anything, what if this haziness of his mind stayed forever and every memory he had was tainted with this fear of unknowing.

"then you will make new ones, and you will remake your friends," jitae's mother says, "even if you had your memories, i doubt you would remember, but this is how you were when we adopted you, you know?" she says with a smile. jitae looks up. "you were quiet, worried and cried a lot when something went wrong, if i had to place it i think it was fear. we were never told what happened to your parents, but while you were with us you blossomed so beautifully, and we couldn't have been more proud." she was smiling so brightly, so happily, as though nothing had happened to him at all.

jitae just leaned. he rested his head on her shoulder and cuddled into her. he could feel that she loved him, that she would do anything for him, like a real mother. she was comforting, but in a way that made jitae feel like he had been missing someone like her in his life. jitae's mother held him tight. she wouldn't let go as long as he needed her, and she would always be there, always and forever.




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