Chapter 26: Ever After(Finale)

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It was another of the hundred mornings we had woken up next to each other.

The curtains which were clinging to the window pane before were pushed away by  the winds and a slight ray of brisk sunlight penetrated through it. The weather was cold enough to make us shiver and I was cozying up with Yoongi in our bed. He was sleeping next to me, his hand placed light on my waist, pulling me closer upto his chest,  the bridge of our noses slightly touching each other. It felt very good with him.

Yoongi was still sleeping like a fawn while I was wide awake admiring his perfectly sculpted face. It has been already 1 year now since our marriage and it still surprises me till the date that the man next to me is Min Yoongi, my husband. I smiled softly putting the part of the blanket aside which had covered me to step down from the bed.

Hugging my body with my hands I tried to keep myself warm till I reached for my sweater which was lying in my closet. I grabbed it and walked down into our garden.

I sat on the little bench and looked at the tall pine trees which were partially decorated with snow and leaned my head against the wooden plank of that bench making me more comfortable.

I was satisfied with my life.

I had turned into a vampire by then, the process was painful but I resisted everything for a beautiful long life with my love and I wasn't regretting leaving my human form behind. A little sacrifice like this was carving a path to my long life with Yoongi, so I had really lost nothing.  It was the same life, only the difference was that I had red eyes and unbelievable strength.

Jungkook and others were coming over  to our Villa once in a while and so were my parents. I  sighed while thinking of my first meeting with Yoongi and blushed a bit.

I shifted my glance towards the little sheet of grass that was under my feet. Lately, I was admiring every little thing may be because I was more than happy with my life and was appreciating all the little things.

My attention was diverted towards the main door when it was squeaked open by Yoongi with him walking out of it with heavy eyelids which were swollen from the long sleep. His hair was all ruffled and his skin looked paler in  the day light. He walked towards me and kneeled down to sit before the bench where I was sitting.

He looked deep into my eyes while his lips stretched to form a smile and he said,

"Good morning".

"Good morning to you too, " I replied while forcing my fingers into Yoongi's messy hair, playing with them for a bit.

He smiled, his beautiful set of gums coming into display and his cheeks folding into curves.


"What baby?"

I clenched his hand through mine and brought it closer to my tummy, resting it over it.

"I'm pregnant."

His smile got absorbed into a cloud of nervousness and excitement on his face. It looked almost like he was about to cry, a lump of unspoken words being gulped down his throat.

He aimed for my waist and with his strong wrists, held me in mid hair, my long hair touching his pale cheeks.

He was smiling now brightly.

"Thank you my love,"he said happily circling with me in his arms and pressed a light kiss on my throat which made me curl up with the sensation of it.

I was happy too. My heart was no longer beating like it did while I was a human but I could feel raw emotions run down my veins.

Everything with my life was beautiful now.

Light snow flakes began descending down from the skies, decorating themselves on my hair and Yoongi's.

"Let's go inside, it has started snowing."

"I'm not letting you go today."

I smiled back at him and said,

"wish granted husband."

6 years later

The same beautifully composed tune has filled the room where I had met Yoongi for the first time. Every note of that beautiful melody is reminding me of our love while I am making breakfast for all in the kitchen.

And suddenly the melody stopped and a voice was calling for me instead. It was Yoongi's.

"Baby come here"

"Coming", I replied more loudly than ever so that he was able to hear it from our kitchen. I walked to my husband,   removing my kitchen gloves.

I stood on the opposite side of the large piano which he was playing with his beautiful fingers.

"Listen.", he said smiling.

I leaned down as much as possible for my head to reach that man's lips which he was curling up to whisper something into my ears and when my head didn't reach upto him, he stood up from his seat and closed the distance between his lips and my ears and kissed it.  My face was flushed red with that sudden kiss and before I could recover he kissed on my lips.

"You are my happy ending,"

His lips read after that kiss.

We two were in the middle of the bush game when Alex and Alexa, our two kids came running towards their father and began disturbing him.

"Daddy! Daddy! Do my hair," Alexa screamed at her father and Yoongi took her to braid her hair while I took baby Alex in my arms to put him in bed.


Yes, we had started living in Vampire Cafe  again and Alexa and Alex had wonderful uncles and I had wonderful brothers.

A long journey of love and hate had sculpted down our everlasting love story and we were each other's happy ending now. The old melody blesses my ears each morning and a handsome face greets me next to me each day. I have received love more than I had ever expected and I'm happy.

The first bite is finally complete with our love story.

~The End~

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