Chapter 6: That Stare

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"Good morning, beautiful Y/N. Here's your breakfast", Jungkook said with a smile.
I smiled at him back and sat on my usual seat,the one near the window.
Jungkook brought the breakfast to my table and sat on a chair facing mine.

"Have breakfast with me. It's awkward to eat alone", I said breaking the long silence.

"It's okay,enjoy your breakfast. I have already eaten",Jungkook kept smiling.

"You are smiling too much today.Is the weather too good today or did something good happen to you?, I said while lifting the coffee mug to take a sip.

"Well...I shouldn't be leaking this but Taehyung kind of told me about what happened last night. You know Yoo.. Yoongi hyung and you", Jungkook was smiling like a baby.

"What? Taehyung was not supposed to leak that. I wonder how Yoongi will react when he will come to know about this. You better not spread this to anyone else. I'm saying this because I care about your good health. Your hyung is kind of..... Ahh.. Leave it. And yes, nothing happened last night. You have got it all wrong", I was embarrassed to death while Jungkook seemed to like this conversation. These two younger brothers of that devil were really mischievous.

I sighed as I shifted my glance towards my coffee mug. I was still holding it and had forgotten to take a sip. The cold chilly winds were making it cold at a faster rate. Hurriedly, I took a sip and the moment it touched my taste buds, I was amused. Amused at it's flavour, it's perfect blend of milk, coffee and sugar.

"Wow, the coffee is great today. Who made it?", I asked Jungkook while taking one more sip.

"It is prepared by Jin hyung. He really makes great coffee. One day, when we would get customers at Vampire Cafe, we would feel very delighted to serve this coffee to them", a sad expression came over Jungkook's face.

"I'm sure you would get a lot of customers one day. I will help you all with it".

"Thank you Y/N. You are really sweet. You are perfect for our yoongi hyung".

"Hey.. Hey.. Stop embarrassing me", i hit Jungkook softly, my face getting all red.

Just listening to his name, that rude vampire's name made my body so hot that even those chilly winds had no effect.

I was done with my breakfast and was sitting with Jungkook for a while. Jungkook was constantly thinking of something looking at thin air and didn't utter a word. I gazed outside the window to kill my boredom.


Breaking that silent atmosphere which prolonged between jungkook and me, Hoseok entered with a shovel and looked heavily tired.
I hadn't talked with Hoseok much. He was a really cheerful guy but I rarely got any occasion to talk with him.

Taking this opportunity at hand, I asked"what's up with you and the shovel. You look hella tired".

"Yeah, the work of digging away the thick sheet of snow from our garden was really tiresome", he let out a tired sigh.

"Where are the rest of the boys oppa?", I hadn't seen them since morning.

"Jin is currently at the marketplace to get supplies. Taehyung is out for a walk with Yeontan. Brother Namjoon is working in the garage, our cars and bikes need a cleaning. Jimin and Yoongi are working in the garden, looking after their plants. I shall leave to freshen up a bit, i'm really tired. You can go and have a walk around the garden. Winter flowers have bloomed to their fullest", he left for his room as soon as he said that.

"I shall leave then", I waved at Jungkook as I left for a walk in that large garden.


That garden was surprisingly large, had it been larger, it would have been a forest.
Branches of those withered trees were covered with frost making it look breathtakingly beautiful.

The entire place looked like a snow forest. The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. The warmth of that sunlight was perfect, not too harsh or not too faint. I walked for a while, taking a look at various flower plants and stopped to admire them. It was not long until the faint smell of roses reached me. I walked in that direction, the direction of that scent. After a while of searching, I spotted Yoongi. Dressed in a white shirt, he was looking after his vast no.of rose plants, which were planted in that particular area.



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His white shirt and red lips, those red roses and that white frost covering the trees made a beautiful contrast of white and red. My heart started beating faster as I walked towards him. His attention from his roses got diverted when I accidently placed my foot on a dry twig, His eyes were fixed on mine. I can't tell which kind of emotions they were.

After a moment of continuous stare game, he said"You are here again!".

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