Chapter -17: Feelings

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"I love you".

Yoongi suddenly let go of his hands which were resting on my waist. His face became paler from before. A kind of silence had taken over his lips  which I couldn't decode. Everything seemed frozen as if there never had been any movement.

"What are you saying Y/N? Do you even understand it? Are you out of your mind?", Yoongi asked me.

My mind didn't work for a while. I had confessed to Yoongi in the flow of my uncontrollable emotions. I had never planned to spit it out that way but things had never gone the way I had planned them either.

I was happy, I was sad, I was going through so many emotions at a time as I stood before Yoongi who was now shocked.

"Every word of mine seems to be understood by you. Why can't you understand my confession? I have said it already and I will say it once more, I love you Min Yoongi. Do you not understand? I love you not because I love our kisses, not because of this, not because of that but just because I love you".

"Just because I kissed you, just because I said you are mine, just because that Kai pisses me off doesn't mean that I'm in love with you", with these words Yoongi shrugged me off and walked outside as I stood there with my eyes filled with tears.

I was at a stage where I couldn't even cry because it was shameful, couldn't even hide my face because I was watched by many, the only thing I could do was stand as my heart got heavier with each passing second.

A hope that Yoongi will ever be mine had finally finished with my confession. I couldn't even fear of losing Yoongi anymore because i had already lost him the moment he refused to look at me again as he made his way outside.

"I wish I had not confessed, I wish I had not met him, I wish I wish.....", my eyes finally were filled with tears and the weight of body on my heels was even hard for me to control. I was about to fall when Kai held me tight in his embrace as all my tears somewhere got lost in his arms. It was comfortable, comfortable because someone shielded me from the evil eyes which were scanning me and provided me a place to hide, to cry.

Kai took me to a corner and wiped away all my tears.

"It's not what you think Kai," I stammered while trying to hide the obvious truth which just happened between me and Yoongi.

"Trust me I have heard everything. You don't deserve to cry. I'm not telling you this because i want to take advantage of anyone of you but because I hate the fact that someone gets to be sad while all others are happy."

"Please keep it to yourself. I don't want anyone else to know about this. I think i can trust on you about this".

"You can totally trust on me dear. Now come." I followed Kai as he supported me to walk towards the beer bar.

I don't know why was I even heading to there. I was bad with alcohol and already had a bad experience upon the first time consuming it. But aside of that, I really wanted to drink. I wanted to drink away my sadness, my heartbreak. "Just for this once I will drink," I promised to myself.

Kai carefully made me sit on a random tool as he ordered two shots for us.

I waited for the bartender to serve as I looked at the happy couples through my seat. They were all in love and happy and here I was sitting wrecked like this on a golden evening as this. Who would have ever thought that I would confess to Yoongi out of the blue and that he would reject me with a straight face.
Things really weren't looking up to me. Only thing that still shined was my expensive gown which Yoongi had gifted me. Memories of ours began surfacing my mind again as I thought of that dress but I tried to shove them away. I didn't need any memories of ours at that sour moment, all I needed was alcohol.

The bartender directed towards us upon finishing to prepare our shots.
I unhesitantly took my shot and Kai was just going to take his when Jennie interrupted him for a small talk .

"Come outside. I have something to say," Jennie literally dragged Kai out with her. Kai was not willing to leave me alone in that drunk state and kept hitting glances towards me as he walked outside.

I sighed a breathe of tiredness from the frustration of all the drama which I was witnessing for the whole of that evening.
Ordering some more shots of alcohol, I sat on my seat in an almost half sleepy state.

"Aren't you Yoongi's fiance," two voices caught my attention suddenly.

"Yes. But who are you two."

"We are twin brothers. I am Suho and he is Sehun."

**Time Skip**

Kai's POV

I returned back to Y/N as fast as I could. But when I checked for her spot near that beer bar, she was nowhere to be found.
Where did she go?

..Is she alright?

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