Thank You, Chemistry (g!p smut)

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"So. When are you gonna make your move on her?" I sighed as my best friend asked the same old question she's been asking everyday for the past year. 

"When will you stop asking that question?" I said in a monotone voice as I locked my locker after retrieving the books I need for Chemistry. 

Leigh-Anne crossed her arms and gave me a look that screamed 'seriously?'

"You are so stubborn Jade. If you just have the balls to ask her out she would be yours by now." 

I gave up and gave her the attention that she oh so wanted. "First of all, she is the one with the balls, not me. Second of all, what makes you think she even likes me?" I asked and raised my eyebrow when she facepalmed herself.

Just at that moment, I heard the laughter of the girl of my dreams and I immediately turned my head to the direction of her laugh. There she was.

Perrie Edwards.

The object of my fantasies walked into the school with her friends, Jesy and Lauren. I gulped as I took in the way she looked in that leather jacket and skinny jeans. Not to mention her combat boots and beanie. I felt a smile creep on my face just at the sight of her.

"Hey babe." Leigh-Anne smiled as Jesy grabbed her hands and placed a lasting kiss on her lips. I smiled at the sight of my best friend being so happy with her girlfriend.

"You guys are so cute I want to puke." Lauren feigned disgust and Perrie slapped her arm just as the girlfriends fake glared at her. I smiled at the sound of her voice and she turned to look at me. She raised a brow, curious as to why I was unusually happy and I shrugged.

Just then, the bell rung and we all groaned simultaneously. 

"Hey I have to go for History class now. I was late for class on Monday and I can't afford to be late again. See you guys later!" Lauren said in a rush as she brisk walked to class just as we gave her a slight wave.

"That's our cue to head to Chemistry now." I said we all walked to class together.

20 minutes into the class and I was bored to death. I sighed as Mrs. Kirk wrote down a bunch of chemical equations on the board.

"You bored?" I heard a voice ask and I smiled slightly. Pros of being in Chemistry? Perrie was my lab partner.

"Extremely. It's so boring! Can't she just hand out a few worksheets in the meantime? At least we could have gotten something to do." I sighed as I laid my head on the desk again.

"Well Jesy and Leigh-Anne don't seem bored in the slightest don't they." Perrie commented with a hint of amusement and I turned my head to see what she was referring to.

My jaw dropped as I could vaguely see Jesy's hand creeping up into
Leigh-Anne's skirt and she jumped slightly. I turned my head away as soon as I caught Jesy's smirk.

"Oh god. Those horndogs are at it again." I covered my head with my arms as I laid my head on the desk again, with Perrie chuckling lightly next to me.

"Alright class. Your month long break is coming up and here's your assignment." Mrs Kirk's voice boomed in the lab and everyone groaned at the thought of having another assignment to add onto the long list of assignments to complete for other subjects.

"Fortunately, your assignment is a pair work. Your partner for the assignment will be your table partner." I mentally fist bumped at the information. I'm pairing with Perrie.

"Now, keep quiet while I explain what your assignment is." Mrs Kirk warned as she turned her back to us to face to board. She started explaining, but all I could think about was Perrie.

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