"hie princess" he says as I balance in my shoes as I walk just as if in class on a tuesday morning. I reach the top of the stairs meeting with my parents who don't send me a friendly smile

"thy c'rset isn't tight enow thee behold bacon-fed" I stiffen with her cruel and harsh words, hearing a voice boom through the high ceiling roof. They call upon us and I smile before breathing calmly watching the beady eyes of ego driven individuals watch my descent, every step, just one ahead of my royal parents. The applause airs out in the room as the band begins to play, the strings picking up their bows. I had always wanted to play a violin but my parents always disliked musicians, making sure I wouldn't become one. The whole room buzzes with talk before a clearing is made in the middle and couples begin to line up.

"thy highness thee behold quite quaint may i has't the first danceth" I stared at the man who I didn't want to see in this ballroom, Alec, the man I am meant to marry in a couple of months. I nod quietly as he takes my hand, I could see the rest of the men bowing in commencement and I followed him around in traditional dance, he kept following my body up and down in hunger.

"I can not waiteth to has't thy corse in mine own sleep chamber, holding mine own children" my jaw tensed at his words as his eyes held lust and rape. I could feel my eyes brimming with tears again but I held my chin up smiling slightly watching my parents dead eyes follow me. My heart clenches in pain but as the music finally finishes and the applause spreads throughout the room I smile politely before making my way through the crowd as new partners line up to repeat the dance. My throat is suffocating as I try to make my way outside, my breathing falling and my heartbeat echoing out in my ears as my blood pumps quickly through my vein.

The doors fly open as the moonlight hits my face and the cold fresh air fills my lungs, the peace resting around me with the strings playing behind me. I close the door my back resting against the glass heavily breathing.

"Art thou struggling to withhold her princess stature" I jump at the sound of a male voice, I look over at the balcony noticing him leaning over the rail, staring off over the garden

"nay I am holding mine own princess stature and doing v'ry well who is't art thee" he laughs turning around and my breath catches in my throat. He was tall and broad, handsome with brown hair and soft but strong features. He was gorgeous and I instantly was attracted to him.

"Sir Jonah Frantzich, your highness" he bows kissing my hand and I curtsey with a smile. He looks behind me at the party unfolding behind us

"Follow me," he whispers


"no need to be formal with me princess" I had never heard someone speak so simply and it was nice, quickly looking behind me through the class doors, I hitch my dress up and grab his hands walking down the balcony's stairs to the large garden. The music was loud but down here it was no existent and I could only hear my heartbeats.

"May I have this dance?" I nodded as he took up my waist, my elbow resting on his in the other arm. I could feel his biceps through the material and I blushed as he looked into my eyes.

"So princess, tell me about ye"

"Well I am 18 and the only woman in the family to not yet be wed to a prick of a man before 16!"

"really? you are only 18 though"

"that's what I reason, how old are you Jonah?"

"20, I am not who you'd expect"

"oh is that so" he nods smiling slightly spinning me around the rose bushes, it was as if that second we were the only people left on the planet and our own music began, the string section raging on like our heartbeats with even a guitar which is raw plucking through the middle of the timpani drums belting.

"who are you Jonah"

"just a boy from the town over with wealthy parents but zero love" I nod relating as we continue to drift around the garden with the breeze.

"you seem trapped by money"

"you seem unhappy" I sigh

"I am, the man I'm going to wed in May is 32 years of age and I do not want to give my love to someone so vain"

"must you be so perfect all the time?"

"yes, my mother called me bacon fed as my corset wasn't tight enough"

"well your mother is wrong, all respect to the queen but you are beautiful and far from bacon fed"

"PRINCESS!" I wince as I hear the scream of Isabella

"I have to go"

"it was a pleasure princess." he sighs

"call my (y/n)... when will I see you again" I whisper as he pulls me closer dipping his head

"I am not sure (y/n) but I will come for you" he smiles before gently placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"please come back for me, steal me from this life" I whisper kissing him again before I pick my dresses skirts up walking briskly through the garden with grace beside Jonah for the masquerade ball. He holds my hand in the idea to help me be stable with my shoes.

As I tug up the staircase of the balcony accompanied by the boy, I meet the eyes of a smirking Isabella. She looks from Jonah to I and then from Jonah to I.

"doth not bid anyone isabella prithee" I hush which she smiles nodding

"thanketh thee kind mistress Isabella, I am Jonah Frantzich of the town ov'r" I smile at his formality realising it would stay between us, his eyes sparkled as he looked back at me dropping my hand.

"thee pick'd quite a gentlemen princess with kind mann'rs and not to mention a handsome visage!howev'r thy parents art livid and finding thee dancing 'round with this knave shall not doth thee valorous, as well as alec who is't is seeking f'r thee" I sighed nodding bidding my farewell as Isabella leads me inside to the ballroom, pulling leaves off the edges of my dress as I walk back into the party, sharing kind words with admirers before meeting the angry eyes of the Queen and King.

"wh're w're thee? thou art ruining our reputation!" my mother hissed towards me as my father scowls before picking up his facade of kindness

"I panick'd i am so s'rry mother and father f'r mine own actions prithee f'rgive me" they nod dismissing me into the arms of Alec making me internally groan at his horrific face. Nothing would compare to how handsome Jonah is, he I could love.


part 2?

𝐰𝐝𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬; 𝟏जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें