What Blackpink's...

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What Blackpink's group chat would be like


Jennie changes Jisoo's name to grandma

grandma: yah, jEnnIe!

grandma changes Jennie's name to sOlOloLoLo

sOlOloLoLo: I'm totally fine with this name.

sOlOloLoLo: Gotta start promoting somehow

Chaeyoung has entered the chat

grandma changes Chaeyoung's name to whatchagOindo?

whatchagOindo?: Jisoo you're so weird

grandma: I thought you knew that.

pu$$ymama has entered the chat

pu$$ymama: hey guys i'm trying to sleep shUsh and jIsoo I love the name for everyone although mine's the same

grandma: someone gets me! thank you lAlIsa!!!!

pu$$ymama: just let me gEt SomE FUcKInG SlEeP

pu$$ymama: NIghT bItCHes!1!1!1!1!

pu$$ymama has gone offline

grandma: someone's grumpy

grandma changes grandma's name to eoMmMma

eoMmMma: that's totally better

sOlOloLoLo: jIsoo shUt The FucK Up

sOlOloLoLo changes sOlOloLoLo's name to sexyassbitch

sexyassbitch: unnie i can hear you screaming again

sexyassbitch: i need you to be quiet before lAlisa gets mad again

eomMmMa: I can tell you that's not me screaming

whatchagOindo?: that's lisa screaming because of jisoo

sexyassbitch: oh dear lord

sexyassbitch: plEASe sAVE uS

TheLord has entered the chat

TheLord: Sup sluts, you called?

sexyassbitch: yEs gOdJIHYo

sexyassbitch: Jisoo is fucking Lisa again.

TheLord: I cannot help you with that.

sexyassbitch: jIHYO tHis Is ScArY

TheLord: Gotta blaze up

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